Now this news from USA Today should make everyone shout for joy! .... No? Not delighted? Well, give Hollywood a few years and they will paint the Muslims as "saints"...since there is another article stating that a Muslim organization expects Hollywood to stop portraying Muslims as terrorists. .... Hmm! Right out of the pages of one of this administration's speeches! After all, everyone should be "tolerant", while Islam takes over the USA
How does Eurostan, Londonstan, America of the Islamic States sound?
Hollywood can remake Snow White - we'll have the 7 Dwarfs stand around and stone Snow White to death for not covering her face, to the tune of "I'm Wishing" ...
American and "refugee" Muslims in America supposedly make up lest than .01% of the population ... have we become so tolerant that less than one percent can already make demands upon an industry that is all about the "money" as to what they will and will not promote for a movie?!
How will any movie be able to portray the Muslims as "peace-loving" IF they ever make a movie about the Coptic Christians in Egypt, burning alive, along with their churches? Who was behind these acts of terrorism?
And Iraq? Who murdered the Christians celebrating Mass in their church? Who were these terrorists?
Pakistan - who is murdering Christians for following their faith?
Oh, let us not forget Ft. Hood and the Muslim who murdered 14 of our troops, injuring over 30. And the Muslim in NYC, who almost succeeded in blowing up busy downtown NYC.
Israel - who exactly are those terrorists shipping missiles into Israeli cities and almost killing a wedding party less than two weeks ago?
It certainly is going to be make-believe in Hollywood, if any serious movie is made without portraying Muslims as the folks behind terrorism throughout the world.
If the number of Muslims are expected to double in the USA within the next 20 years, I suggest that Immigration get on this asap and stop the flow of "refugees" being allowed into America - NOW! Time to seal up the borders and the one-way tickets into the United States. Multi-culture does not work - just askt he Europeans.
The last time I looked at a map, less than two days ago and posted here, not one Arab country is a democracy. So, why do they think that by moving to America, they can immediately turn America into one of the countries they just fled from for the sake of democracy? Makes no sense! Unless they came with the intentions of turning America into another Arab/Muslim country - you think? Perhaps!
Well, keep wishing, ... not going to happen! Either accept the laws of the USA, or move back where you will feel more comfortable. Please, please stop using our liberal media for your propaganda. Please stop clogging up our courts with your silly lawsuits. Start trying to live in a free society as if you were actually "free". Or, take in a family movie, like Snow White!