Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Video: How Islam honors their wives .. or, How NOT to show your wife "honor" ...

February 16, 2011
By:  Bee Sting

Two days ago many folks celebrated Valentine's Day.  Cards, a nice dinner at a favorite restaurant, boxes of candy and beautiful flowers were shared between husbands' and wives and Hallmark made another billion (not to mention the local Flower Shops).  However, it is priceless when we share our love with that one special person - a lifetime partner, and the only one who understands our moods, forgives our mistakes, and wishes nothing but our happiness.

Life isn't a bed of roses, and no one promised us a Rose Garden (as the song goes); so, an opportunity on a special day to show our appreciation to loved ones is ... what's the word I'm looking for? ... Well, it's just "special" -period!

However, here's a video of how Islam honors their wives and you can bet that Valentine's Day is out lawed in societies where Islam is the "golden rule".  I post this as a way to show my thankfulness for never having experienced such humiliation and cruelty.  Here is what I am sure the young Iranian protester would like to be freed from ... the honor of being "honored"  ..... 

Islam: how to Beat Your Wife