Monday, February 7, 2011

Disabled US Children on an Unforgettable Visit to Israel

Wish at the Wall 

Wish at the Wall
by Yoni Kempinski
Arutz Sheva TV met the Chai-Lifeline "Wish at the Wall 2011" trip as they visited the city of Bnei Brak. The group came to meet world renowned Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and Rabbanit Kanievsky, his wife,  to receive their blessings for health and well-being.

The "Wish at the Wall" trips bring to Israel children who could not get to Israel any other way.
Arutz Sheva met last year's group at the Western Wall,  That was a group of children who were dealing or had dealt with cancer along with their parents.

This year's trip is for teens coping with serious chronic, and sometimes fatal illnesses. These young men and women are determined to overcome physical limitations and experience all that Israel has to offer. They are accompanied by a parent and ChaiLifeline’s medical staff.
After they were received happily at the airport by the staff of the trip, the group set out to a large variety of locations throughout Israel including - the Old City of Jerusalem, Masada, Ein Gedi, the Knesset, northern Israel and the mostly hareidi-religious city of Bnei Brak. During the tour the young boys and girls met soldiers, rabbis, politicians and other Israelis.

Note - 
Listen to the children in video!  One said it all when he said, "I would rather stay in Israel than go back to America".  This is a story that should be published in all forms of media - it is similar to America's "Wish" list for children suffering with catastrophic diseases, such as cancer.   Thank you, Israel, for blessing the children and their parents.