Thursday, February 10, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: CIA Director Leon Panetta Says Mubarak May Step Down Tonight

Susan Crabtree and Ryan J. Reilly | February 10, 2011, 11:25AM

CIA Director Leon Panetta said Thursday that it's likely Egyptian President Hosni Mabarak will step down tonight.
"There's a strong likelihood that Mubarak may step down in Eqypt tonight," Panetta told a House Intelligence panel.
Later during the hearing, Panetta was more specific: "I've received reports that possibly Mubarak might do that [step down tonight]. We are continuing to monitor the situation."
"I would assume that [Mubarak] would turn over more of his powers to [Vice President Omar] Suleiman...[who woud] direct more of the reforms that need to take place...," Panetta added.

Separately, at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, Deputy Secretary of State James B. Steinberg said that changes must come to the country and said the U.S. wants "durable democracies."
"As the President has said, Egypt is not going back to the way it was. We have declared publicly and privately that a peaceful, orderly, and meaningful transition must begin without delay," Steinberg said in prepared remarks.