Thursday, January 13, 2011

US Aid to Israel Not Worth the ’Real Cost,’ Researcher Says

F-15 fighter jetIsrael is paying through the nose for US aid and would better off without it, says a researcher for the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies (JIMS).

American aid to Israel to the tune of $3 billion a year has been maligned by many U.S. conservatives and by the Arab world, but Israel actually loses more than it receives, according to JIMS analyst Yarden Gazit.

“U.S. aid is a net loss for Israel and Israel would be better off without it,” he concluded in his report, released on Wednesday.

Gazit explained that the conditions for the military assistance are designed to help the American military-industrial complex at the expense of the Israeli defense industry.

One condition of the American aid to Israel is that three-quarters of the grant be spent in the United States. “The ‘buy US’ requirement causes Israel to buy defense products at a high price, sometimes even products Israel may not need,” Gazit wrote. He calculated the loss to the Israeli defense industry at $600-750 million per year.

The use of American materials instead of those from Israel also hurts competitiveness in Israel and on the world market, according to JIMS. Not using domestic materials for the IDF “hurts Israeli industry’s reputation on the international market and may cause a loss of sales,” the report added.

JIMS forecasts that if Israel does not forfeit the American aid, it risks losing out on the growing Chinese and Indian market for Israeli products. Those countries will be under pressure to shop in the United States in light of American economic problems and its bloated federal budget.

Gazit also pointed out that Israel is forced spend more than $3 billion a year to retain a qualitative edge over Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, which also receives massive aid from the United States.

Every dollar granted to Egypt requires Israel to spend between $1.60 and $2.10 to maintain the balance of power, according to JIMS.

Posted by Ted Belman @ 7:47 pm | - Israpundit

Few understand the conditions imposed on Israel and the comments on Israpundit are well worth reading ... such as, (below - 2 of 10 comments)

  1. yamit82 says:
    1. According to JIMS, the Defense Ministry purchases US products even
    though Israeli industry is capable of producing cheaper products, which
    better fit the IDF’s demands. JIMS estimates the direct loss faced by
    Israeli industry at $600-750 million per year.
    2. The Defense Ministry often requires Israeli companies to purchase expensive
    raw materials in the US in order to use up available grant money. This raises
    the cost of the final products sold by Israeli industry and hurts its
    competitiveness in Israel and on the world market.
    3. Since the Israeli army purchases so much in the US, some locally produced
    4. The industry loses valuable potential contracts because of US-imposed
    restrictions on Israeli defense exports.

    JIMS also points out that the billions of dollars guaranteed to the defense
    establishment every year reduce its incentive to reform and economize. “Why should
    a politician or the head of a government ministry invest political capital in promoting
    defense products are not used by Israel’s own army. This hurts Israeli
    industry’s reputation on the international market and may cause a loss of sales.efficiency and pro-growth reforms, when he can always turn to the Americans and ask
    for more aid, guarantees or more favorable conditions?” asks Gazit.
    JIMS forecasts that as a result of the economic crisis in the US and its ever-increasing
    budget deficits, along with the rise of new powers such as India and China, which are
    interested in Israeli products, the economic and strategic damage of US aid will
    increase in the coming years. JIMS recommends that the Israeli government initiate
    an end to US government grants.

    Yamit82 says:
    America blocks our foreign military exports all of which must be approved by America because we are using American components and or technology. Israel must prove we don’t use American technology to be able to bypass the American veto/censor. Therefore America gets to know exactly what and how we produce our weapons and systems. They don’t need spies we give them what they want.
    Chinese Stealth J-XX #2 
    Don’t be surprised to learn in the future of a close Israeli connection with this planes and technology.
    We gave or sold the Chinese our Lavie fighter they call the J-10.