Tuesday, January 25, 2011


From Washington, DC: The Advent of the Pocket Messiah

 By Judi McLeod  Tuesday, January 25, 2011

imageFresh from the Chairman Hu Jintao State Dinner where Americans were played out on the ivory keys of a piano as “jackals”—but only because the music was beautiful—comes President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address.

China and the US have so much more in common other than one once having been the other.

In China, dissidents are sent to prison for criticizing the State on the Internet.  In the U.S. dissidents smeared with accusations of their rhetoric having caused assassinations, are sent to Hell.

One month after Christmas Eve to the day, tonight marks the advent of the Pocket Messiah.  Raw emotion will be pumped from the omnipotent teleprompter and the message will go forth and multiply, courtesy of the mainstream media and the gullible in perfect concert.

When the last sodden emotion has been drawn about how Obama saved the day and lives in the Tucson tragedy, the words “competitive” and “investment” will dominate the message to be taken out onto the street.

How to be competitive in an environment where every means to compete has been taken away from entrepreneurs is something only a self-styled Messiah can do.

If only one month ago was Christmas Eve, only one day ago, it was the news that General Motors Co. sold more cars and trucks in China last year than it did in the U.S. for the first time in the company’s 102-year history.

Only conspiracy theorists would make something of Toyota losing its 2008 title to last year’s string of “embarrassing safety recalls” as global sales leader.

Government Motors spokesman Tom Henderson said nothing had anything to do with Toyota.
“A financially healthy and sustainable business that benefits our customers, stakeholders and employees takes precedence over any ranking.  Our motivation is to be the best global company and let the numbers speak for themselves,” he said. (AP, Jan. 23, 2011).

There’s no room for American competitiveness in a pre-styled global market that gave China all the advantages.

For all of his glitter and statesman teleprompter perfect speech, the Messiah can only mouth America’s lesser place in the coming Brave New World.

That world and China’s dominance in it was already arranged by One World Order advocates, UN Poster Boy Maurice Strong and Obama bagman George Soros.

When no one was listening back in the days when Obama was a senator with nothing but a ghostwritten book to recommend him, Strong and Soros were working on a plan to have China replace the United States of America as the new economy.

While Soros was on the scene trying to retire then President George W. Bush, Strong had been off the public radar scene for more than a year after his alleged links to the UN Oil-for-Food scandal. 

It was a business partnership from Hell with the deadly duo vowing to flood the American market with cheap Chinese made cars.

Hundreds of millions of dollars were poured into a Communist China automaker that was manufacturing the “Chery”.

Marketed as “The Poor Man’s Wheels”, the Chery was said to have originated from yet another copycat China endeavour: “The Chery is a knockoff of the South Korean Spark, sold in the U.S. in partnership with General Motors. (WorldNetDaily, June 12, 2006). 

Indeed back in the days when GM was still General Motors and not Government Motors, it filed a lawsuit against Chery Automobile Co. for piracy of the car developed by its South Korean Daewoo. The company’s investigations concluded that the two vehicles “shared remarkably identical body structure, exterior design, interior design and key components.”

Tonight the Messiah would have you believe that China came to the fore by the natural order of things.

You do not have to watch.  You do not have to listen.

Meanwhile,  may the real one protect freedom lovers everywhere from the Pocket Messiah.

Judi McLeod Most recent columns
Copyright © Canada Free Press

Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com, and Glenn Beck.
Judi can be emailed at: judi@canadafreepress.com