Monday, December 27, 2010

Palestinian Corruption and Humanitarian Aid - Video

FreeMiddleEast | July 24, 2010 |  likes, 29 dislikes
The Palestinian Authority is accused of corruption by many but receives more humanitarian aid per capita than any other country in the world. The billions of dollars that are meant for schools, hospitals and infrastructure have been spent on luxury villas, casinos and payments to terrorists.

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My note:  

The next time someone mentions "Turkey", or "Free Gaza", "Hamas", "terrorism", "Palestinians", "Two-states","foreign aid",  etc.  .... share this video with that individual.

Foreign aid to Gaza and the Palestinians supports terrorism, not humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people; and certainly not the so-called "recovery" mentioned whenever the liberal, whining, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel leaders of the world speak about aiding those "poor PA's in Gaza and the West Bank"!