Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Hanukkah wishes from our friends at Bare Naked Islam - Enjoy!


Believe it or not, Orin Hatch, Senator (R) from Utah, wrote a marvelous song last year called ‘The Eight Days of Hanukkah’ 

This has become my favorite Hanukkah song. Thanks Orin, you are a mensch.
The story (and video) of Orin Hatch’s song:
Ten years ago, I visited Hatch, the senior senator from Utah and a prominent member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, on Capitol Hill. I was writing for The New York Times Magazine and Hatch was thinking of running for president. We talked about politics for a few minutes, and then he said, “Have you heard my love songs?”
No senator had asked me that question before. It turned out that Hatch was a prolific songwriter, not only of love songs, but of Christian spirituals as well. We spent an hour in his office listening to some of his music, a regular Mormon platter party. After five or six Christmas songs, I asked, him, “What about Hanukkah songs? You have any of those?”READ MORE: Orin Hatch’s Hanukkah song story
Eight Days of Hanukkah from Tablet Magazine on Vimeo.

December 1, 2010
Categories: Islam NOT . . Author: barenakedislam