CITIBANK sues Ground Zero Victory Mosque developer for default on $100,000 business loan
Citibank has sued Ground Zero mosque developer, Sharif El-Gamal and his real estate firm, Soho Properties, over failure to pay back nearly $100,000 ($99,489) borrowed from a business credit account last year, according to a complaint filed in a Manhattan court.
New Kerala (H/T Her Royal Whyness)- Sleazeball El-Gamal however said that the default was a standard way to negotiate better credit rates and that the matter would be resolved.
This is not the first time that the developer of the controversial Ground Zero mosque has come under the purview of such charges. In August, a Manhattan landlord sued El-Gamal and Soho Properties for 39,000 dollars in back rent.
The suit was later withdrawn, and the matter was resolved out of court. In October, Valley National Bank sued El-Gamal and Soho Properties for over 95,778 dollars interest after they defaulted on a loan in 2009, the paper said.
The proposed Islamic centre and mosque was vehemently opposed by families of victims of the 9/11 terror attacks, saying that
it was absolutely unfair to build the mosque just two blocks away from the former World Trade Center site, which was destroyed by jihadis in 2001.Earlier, El-Gamal had said that such a hue and cry over the proposed project was irrelevant, as he does not consider his faith responsible for the September 11 terror attacks.

Not to worry, the Saudis are ready to write a check in full for the building minus, of course, the $5 million they are trying to weasel out of US taxpayers.
December 3, 2010
Categories: Islam in America . . Author: barenakedislam
Categories: Islam in America . . Author: barenakedislam
My note:
How many remember Obama supporting this Victory Mosque on a Friday evening at the White House, during his dinner celebrating Ramadan? Then, due to the pouring out of outrage by the "families" of 9/11, along with the majority of Americans, the following day (yes, on Saturday - day after the WH dinner) Obama tried to re-track and dance around his original statements to sooth the ever-present outrage of the American people ...etc. etc. (
Well, I thought this little video would be of interest to you. Bee Sting