Not gonna happen, the spigot of American taxpayer cash Abbas uses to line his cronies pockets would be turned off…
RAMALLAH, West Bank – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has warned he may dissolve his self-rule government and ask Israel to resume full control of the West Bank if troubled peace talks fail.Dismantling the Palestinian Authority would be a last resort, Abbas told Palestine TV in an interview broadcast late Friday. However, his comments marked the most explicit warning yet that he’s considering a step that could crush lingering hopes for a Mideast peace deal.If Abbas were to take such a step, Israel, as a military occupier, would have to assume full responsibility again for 2.2 million Palestinians in the West Bank. Israel was relieved of that financial burden with the establishment of the Palestinian Authority in 1994, as part of interim peace deals.Still, Abbas might face considerable domestic opposition to dismantling the Palestinian Authority, since it employs some 150,000 Palestinians, a large chunk of the work force.The Palestinian self-rule government, which receives hundreds of millions of dollars a year in foreign aid, has limited authority over 40 percent of the war-won West Bank, while Israel has final say over the entire area and exclusive control over 60 percent of the land.
Source: Weasel Zipper
My notes:

In January, will those in Washington begin the task of investigating why our government is spending billions of dollars on an organization i.e. Palestinian Authority and Hamas, when their representatives are connected to terrorism and their goal is to wipe out Israel, an ally to the United States.
Just wondering .....
Bee Sting