Thursday, November 25, 2010

Whispers of "Impeachment" blowing through winds of "change"

Biden whispers into Obama's ear - explains his healthcare-victory expletive -- he didn't know the microphone was so sensitive

Above is an illustration of Joe Biden whispering in the ear of Obama, and using an inappropriate word, not realizing that the microphone was on and everyone heard the remarks and laughter between   our two "leaders".  Of course, Biden felt comfortable using language between a friend that he would not share  openly when speaking to the Press/Media.   

Since America's elections two weeks ago, I have been asked numerous times if I think the newly elected officials heading to Washington, will some how be able to convey to Obama that they expect a kinder, gentler approach between the United States and Israel.  Many of our new representatives were voted in because America does not seek the "change" Obama intends for our country, nor for our allies.  Americans expect to hear the "voice of reason" beginning January 2011.

However, during the recent Obama fling/vacation through Asian countries, in an attempt to boost the economy for the United States, it became clear to everyone that Obama hasn't a clue about the message sent the White House from the American voters.  To Obama, it is business as usual and that business has nothing to do with economy - and everything to do with a continuation of putting our worse foot forward, under the deceitful intentions of promoting Islam, while pressuring Israel to make more concessions that would bring about certain death to the State of Israel.  

That has brought about whispers among representatives and Americans - whispers of Impeachment proceedings.  Will the House of Representatives have the courage to proceed?  Would the still predominately Democrat Senate understand the necessity to approve Impeachment, with full support of the House?  

The "whispers" grow louder daily and are being posted on Conservative web sites.  Some maintain the issue of Obama's illegal birth certificate and unwillingness to produce records demonstrating a truthful background of his days before being elected to the highest Office in the land.  Of course, there is no lack of mockers when this subject comes up, since it is the easiest issue to portray those who seek answers as "lunatics, or biased".  

I prefer to move forward with Impeachment for reasons of treason and inability to protect America.  The article below lists such reasons, implemented by our Founding Fathers for the purpose of removing a President who has ill-intentions towards the United States.  One who aids and abets the enemy, or refuses to define the enemies of the United States, which leaves us wide open to more attacks while Obama looks upon the average American citizen as his "real" enemy.  He does this in the same way he supports the Arabs, while condemning Israel.  The same tactic seems to work so well, just as his autobiography works well, since Obama is one who enjoys rewriting history in his personal life, and that of America's history.

America celebrated Thanksgiving today.  Tomorrow shoppers will be out in full force, concentrating of finding gifts for loved ones for either Christmas or  Haunakah.  For the next month, Christians and Jewish celebrations will replace the daily routines and concentration on "politics as usual."

But the whispers grow stronger with each passing day and with each announcement or fiasco coming from the White House.  I have no idea what will actually happen, or the moods of those arriving in Washington next January, but I pray that whatever happens, it will be with the blessings from Above, for a nation that fell short of its once high standards to be a beacon and an example to all nations who once TRUSTED America to remain faithful to her friends and allies throughout the world.  America has found her soul once again, and with great faith, may she be led out of the darkness that surrounds the White House today.

I am listing a few sites across the Internet that are "whispering" and praying for the removal of a President who lacks the ability to respect and  keep America safe.  

The New Congress Will Consider Impeachment

Ultimately, it comes down to a commonly shared belief amongst Tea Party activists that Barack Obama is systematically trying to hurt America. Obama, the argument goes, is not an incompetent boob in over his head. Nor is he is not some well-meaning community organizer who has seen his plans go astray.
Barack Obama is a dishonest, manipulative liar who actually is pursuing an agenda that he hopes will take America off the international leadership stage. He wants America to fail so that the vision of internationalist socialists can be realized. America is hated by the elite intellectuals of the world because we have been the single biggest roadblock to their plans to establish a one world governing system with them in charge.
Americans has consistently rejected socialism. Whether it is Hillarycare or Obamacare, Americans are speaking with a loud, clear voice against socialism.
The Left hates America because of our belief in God, our belief in rugged individualism, our belief in private property, and our belief in the right to keep and bear arms.
It is only through impeachment that the new Congress can send Barack Obama a clear and unambiguous message that he does not have carte blanche to run roughshod over America.
Impeachment is the political tool given by the Founders to correct abuse by a president. Impeachment is often misunderstood because of confusion about what exactly constitutes an impeachable offense.
Former President Gerald Ford, while serving in the House of Representatives, said an impeachable offense was “whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.”
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
The key phrase here is “high crimes and misdemeanors,” a concept in English common law that was well-known to our Founding Fathers but is grossly misunderstood in this day and age.
“High crimes and misdemeanors” essentially means bad behavior.
Here’s a passage from which succinctly and beautifully summarizes the historical significance surrounding the inclusion of the term “high crimes and misdemeanors” in the Constitution:
“High crimes and misdemeanors” entered the text of the Constitution due to George Mason and James Madison. Mason had argued that the reasons given for impeachment – treason and bribery – were not enough. He worried that other “great and dangerous offenses” might not be covered… so Mason then proposedhigh crimes and misdemeanors,” a phrase well-known in English common law. In 18th century language, a misdemeanor” meant mis-demeanor,” or bad behavior.
In other words, “high crimes and misdemeanors” does not refer to a criminal act, as some would lead you to believe. Our Founding Fathers fully intended to allow for the removal of the president for actions which are gross incompetence, gross negligence, outright distasteful, or in the case of Barack Hussein Obama, actions which clearly show “malevolence toward this country, which is unabated.”
And for those who mistakenly hold the illusion that impeaching Barack Obama would be a simple matter of “playing politics,” the Founders fully intended that the impeachment of a sitting president be a political act.
The Founding Fathers deliberately put impeachment into the hands of the legislative branch rather than the judicial branch, thus transforming it from strictly a matter of legal definition to a matter of political judgment.
The Obama administration qualifies as the poster-child for bad behavior.
Obama and those around him are ravaging this great country and adding a sorry chapter to a noble history.
Impeachment, as written in the Constitution, was tailor-made for Barack Hussein Obama and our Founders placed it in our Constitution for such a time as this.

and from our friends at Bare Naked Islam:

SUPREME COURT of the UNITED STATES deciding whether to hear arguments on Obama’s eligibililty

The Supreme Court of the United States conferred today on whether arguments should be heard on the merits of Kerchner v. Obama, a case challenging whether Barack Obama is qualified to serve as president because he may not be a “natural-born citizen” as required by Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.

WND - Unlike other eligibility cases that have reached the Supreme Court, Kerchner vs. Obama focuses on the “Vattel theory,” which argues that the writers of the Constitution believed the term “natural-born citizen” to mean a person born in the United States to parents who were both American citizens.
“This case is unprecedented,” said Mario Apuzzo, the attorney bringing the suit. “I believe we presented an ironclad case. We’ve shown standing, and we’ve shown the importance of the issue for the Supreme Court. There’s nothing standing in their way to grant us a writ of certiorari.”
If the Supreme Court decides to grant the “writ of certiorari,” it may direct a federal trial court in New Jersey to hear the merits of the case, or it may choose to hear the merits itself. If any court hears the merits of the case, Apuzzo says it will mark the “death knell” for Obama’s legitimacy. “Given my research of what a natural-born citizen is, he cannot be a natural-born citizen so it’s a death knell to his legitimacy. What happens on a practical level, how our political institutions would work that out, is something else,” Apuzzo told WND.
Apuzzo observed it is “undisputed fact” that Obama’s father was a British subject.
A hearing on the merits “is also a death knell because it would allow discovery so we would be able to ask him for his birth certificate, and we don’t know what that would show,” according to Apuzzo. “We might not even get to the question of defining ‘natural-born citizen.’ If he was not born in the U.S., he’d be undocumented, because he’s never been naturalized. We don’t even know what his citizenship status is. Hawaii has said they have his records, but that’s hearsay. We have not seen the root documents.”
Another attorney who has brought Obama eligibility cases to the Supreme Court, Philip Berg, agrees that discovery would sink Obama’s presidency.
Apuzzo is arguing the “Vattel theory,” which asserts that the term “natural-born citizen” as used in the Constitution was defined by French writer Emer de Vattel. Vattel, whose work, “The Law of Nations,” was widely known and respected by the founding fathers, used the term to mean an individual born of two citizens.
According to Apuzzo, Congress and the courts have addressed the question of who can be an American citizen, for example regarding former slaves, Asian immigrants, and American Indians. However, the term “natural-born citizen” has never been altered. ”The courts and Congress have never changed the definition,” said Apuzzo. “The founding fathers understood that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces needed to have two American citizens as parents so that American values would be imparted to him.”
Previous cases challenging Obama’s eligibility have all been rejected on technical grounds. Numerous courts have decided that the plaintiffs do not have “standing” to bring a suit against Obama because they have failed to prove they are directly injured by his occupation of the Oval Office.
“To me that’s false,” said Berg. “The 10th Amendment refers to ‘we the people.’ If the people can’t challenge the president’s constitutionality, that would be ridiculous.”
“My clients have a right to protection from an illegitimately sitting president,” said Apuzzo. “Every decision he makes affects the life, property, and welfare of my clients.”
November 24, 2010
Categories: EnemyWithin-American . . Author: barenakedislam

Note:  Please visit Bare Naked Islam's site to find comments and discussion about this issue.  It is quite an eye-opener and a measuring stick that reveals the true voice of the American people.  Bee Sting

(has posted the following article that adds more light to Bare Naked Islam's Supreme Court Article.  However, it is not the Supreme Court but the House of Representatives that needs to proceed with an investigation and eventual Impeachment proceedings.  

The politicians in Washington have not listened to the American people these past two years - will they now listen, with new blood in their veins from our newly elected officials?  

The immorality of past presidents were given a "pass"; immorality and poor personal choices may have helped blind America to the importance of electing a President with high morals and a good character. Many an American has been quoted by saying "It doesn't matter what a President does in his personal life, as long as he can maintain the responsibility of protecting the United States.  

 Nixon chose a Letter of Resignation for his part in a scandal.  His closed door meetings a plot and whispers were heard around the world.

Americans now understand that what a man does behind closed doors, what he whispers to his friends in private, and how he apologizes to the world for America are an extension of his true character - and it does prevent one who lies and cheats the ability to represent the United States of America.

Bee Sting

For the sake of America and the world, may the photo (above) become a reality.