Jerusalem - Capital of Israel November 9, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Morton A. Klein Phone: 212-481-1500 | Print | Email |
A new survey of Israeli opinion has found that 72% of Israelis believe that “The Palestinians have not accepted the existence of the State of Israel and would destroy it if they could,” whereas only 27% disagree; while Israelis support by 64% to 32% Prime Minister Netanyahu’s refusal to extend a freeze on Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria until and unless Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) recognizes Israel as the state of the Jewish people.
The Peace Index poll, conducted by Tel Aviv University’s Israel Democracy Institute in October 2010, also found that:
· Israelis, by 65% to 34% – virtually a 2 to 1 margin – believe that negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) will not lead to peace between Israel and the Palestinians in coming years.
· 67% of Israelis believe Palestinians will not accept Israel even if a peace agreement were to be signed, as opposed to only 29% who disagree.
· Only 27% of Israelis believe that the PA will fulfill its obligations under any peace agreement that might be signed, whereas 68% of Israelis believe they will not.
· A majority of 58% of Israelis oppose signing a peace settlement with the PA which encompasses the evacuation of all Jewish communities in Judea & Samaria, whereas only 36% of Israelis thought that Israel should sign such an agreement (The Israel Democracy Institute, Tel Aviv University, The Peace Index – October 2010).
ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “This new poll shows, like others before it, that an overwhelming majority of Israelis believe that concessions to Mahmoud Abbas’ terror-supporting PA, even up to and including the setting up of a Palestinian state, would not bring the long awaited peace for which Israelis yearn.
“This poll also reveals clearly why Israelis no longer favor further concessions to the PA because it reveals the reason for this stance – their conviction that even setting up a Palestinian state will not bring peace or genuine Palestinian acceptance of Israel’s permanence and legitimacy as a Jewish state, something which they have denied right up until this moment.
“Put simply, a clear majority of Israelis are showing, by the sort of results in this poll and others in recent years, that they do not believe that the PA is a genuine peace partner whose signature on a peace settlement would actually mean anything. Quite clearly, most Israelis believe that whatever concessions might be made, Palestinian demands and terror would not cease, and Israel’s position, to say nothing of the security and tranquility of the country, would be drastically affected.”