Today the whole world speaks of the need for a Palestinian State to be created. The United Nations is going out of its way; the European Union is seeking quicker approaches; and the United States administration sees the creation of a state for the Palestinians as its number one agenda item — as if there were no other problems in the world. The one nation that seems to have given much thought to it is Saudi Arabia, which seems to truly care for the "Palestinian" nation. It was Saudi Arabia who came up with a Initiative Plan back in 2002 that would allow the creation of Palestine inside Israel's current borders of Samaria, Judea and Gaza, with Jerusalem as its capital. Also it would allow about 5 million descendants of the so called Arab refuges who fled Israel in 1948. At first their initiative was not taken seriously, but as time passes, Israel is running out of options but to submit to a Saudi proposal.
Everyone knows once Israel fully implements that Initiative, it would self destruct both militarily and demographically. Once Israel vacates the hilltops and expels the more than half a million Jews living in the Territories, the Arab terrorists will be shooting rockets onto coastal cities. An example of how the Arabs will be shooting rockets may be seen at the Gaza strip, except that, instead of rockets landing in the Gaza belt communities, they will be landing in major cities. Inside what will be left out of Israel, the Arabs will quickly shift the demography and Israel will stop functioning as a Jewish State. This will result in a massive emigration of Jews.
The other choice Israel has is to keep the situation the way it is right now, but nothing good will come out of it because the Arabs in greater Israel are making up almost half of the population and when a minority becomes the majority it will not allow itself to be treated as second class citizens. Also, the world pressure from various human right groups will eventually force Israel to implement the Saudi plan. Anything in between the Saudi Initiative and keeping the Greater Israel will only delay things but eventually the Initiative will be implemented. Arabs will never agree to live in autonomy or have a small state because it would not be humanly feasible. Also this new Arab State will be breeding on hatred and it will be only a matter of time until another war will erupt and it will not be that easy for Israel to enter a sovereign nation as oppose to a territory.
On the other hand, if Saudi Arabia really cares for "Palestinians" and truly want them to prosper and develop, they can create the state of Palestine inside their own home. Saudi Arabia is the largest Arab country with size of 2,150,000 square kilometers (830,000 sq mi) with a population of only 27.6 million people. Not only is the creation of Palestine impossible inside Israel due to of overcrowding but it will result in a general lack of resources for its inhabitants. Also most of the world Jewry will not allowed it to happen. While many Jews, especially in the United States speak of the peace process, they don't really mean it. To make it more clear, I once spoke to an old friend of mine who used to volunteer for one of the American Jewish Establishment groups. He told me that everyone whom he knew were against any Palestine State inside Israel of any shape or size. However, to be accepted in political circles, they had to speak of peace process and especially Land for peace to show that Jews really care for peace. They did however always emphasize that Arabs have to accept Israel's existence as well as a Jewish State — a very reasonable request if the Jewish and the projected Palestinian state were to live in harmony. It is well known that Arab leaders will never recognize the Jewish state — it goes against their religion — so this process will go in circles and will never reach an end point. That's why my old friend was trying to convince me that it is ok to speak positively about a Palestinian State. The flexibility of the Jewish people makes them not only politically correct but more humane. The only problem with it is that this whole process requires a lot of hypocrisy. The old generation may lie to themselves but not to their children and when their children will grow up, they will believe in it for real. Today's young generation of Jews are different from their parents and look at Israel differently.
The litmus test is simple. If the whole world really cares for the "Palestinians" and wants to take them out of their squalid refugee camps, it should not matter where the Palestinians live. They should even be willing to create a State in the U.S. If President Obama really wants them to have self-determination in their own state, why not the U.S.A.? After all, this is his number one priority.
Nevertheless, moving Arabs from Israel to Saudi Arabia would be the best idea because both people share the same language, ethnicity, religion, culture, taste in food, and societal structure. Besides, there never was a Palestine nation. The Palestinians are Arabs, part of the Arab nation to where the Arabs of Israel must and will be repatriated.
In my opinion, it is up to the Jewish organizations right now to speak out about moving the State of Palestine into Saudi Arabia, lobbying on Capitol Hill, promoting the idea in the media and offering this plan to the American President. There is absolutely no other way — keeping Arabs inside Israel will only result in a civil war. If the nations of the world who offer so much money and efforts reject this plan, then it would prove that they are not interested in solving the "Palestinian" problem, but rather are focused on Israel's destruction, even though numerous attempts to destroy the Jewish Nation through out the ages have failed. And those who did nothing to help during the Holocaust, and when Israel faced destruction in 1948, 1967 and 1973, have nothing to tell us.
Gennadiy Baruch Faybyshenko is a national director of Bnai Elim. Visit its website at
This article was submitted July 24, 2009.
This article was submitted July 24, 2009.
My note:
Once again, for those who missed it: