More of Obama revealed. What a fraud was perpetrated on the American people.
Remember that Obama's Grandmother was a committed "Christian" when Obama was campaigning, and after the inauguration, voila!, "a lifelong Muslim." Taqiyya, baby.
Barack Obama's grandmother 'prays he converts to Islam'
Barack Obama's Kenyan grandmother has said she prayed for the US president to convert to Islam, according to reports.
Sarah Omar, 88, who was on hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, told the Al-Qatan Saudi daily: "I prayed for my grandson Barack to convert to Islam".
The paper said that Ms Omar was in Saudi Arabia on pilgrimage along with her son, Mr Obama's uncle Saeed Hussein Obama, and four of her grandchildren.
Ms Omar told the newspaper that she could only discuss hajj matters and would not comment on Mr Obama's politics.

In this Obama Family photo are: (bottom row, from left) half-sister Auma, her mother Kezia Obama, Obama's step-grandmother Sarah, a devout Muslim and unknown; (top row, from left) unknown, Barack Obama, half-brother Abongo (Roy) Obama, s a Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must "liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture." He urges his younger brother to embrace his African heritage.
If you haven't read my book -- you missed this: The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America [copyright]
Obama’s Grandmother: a Christian in 2008, a Muslim in 2009
Sarah Hussein Obama, 86, Barack Obama’s Kenyan grandmother, was angry. In March 2008, when asked about the rumors that her illustrious grandson was or had been a Muslim, she replied: “Untruths are told that don’t have anything to do with what Barack is about. I am very against it.” A photo was circulating of Obama in Muslim garb, and his grandmother was fuming. “Bringing such pictures that are trying to imply that not only is he a foreigner, he is a Muslim, is wrong, because that is not what he is.” But wasn’t the candidate’s father a Muslim? That didn’t matter, said Sarah Obama: “In the world of today, children have different religions from their parents.” Associated Press added: “She, too, is a Christian.”[i]
Yet in May 2009, the Daily Times of Pakistan reported that Sarah Obama would “perform haj this year along with her son Syed Obama, a private TV channel reported on Saturday….The channel said performing haj is one of the most desired wishes of the US president’s grandmother.”[ii]
The Haj is the pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims are obliged to make at least once in their lives if they are able. Non-Muslims are not permitted to make the Haj or even to enter Mecca, the site of the pilgrimage and the holiest city in Islam. The highway in Saudi Arabia that leads to Mecca even has an exit labeled “Non-Muslims must exit here.” Thus Sarah Obama’s performance of the Haj means that she must be a Muslim, and that she was actually a Muslim in March 2008 (just when the presidential race was heating up) when AP reported that she was a Christian – unless we are expected to believe that this octogenarian woman converted to Islam between March 2008 and May 2009 without attracting any attention from the international media.
Why was Obama’s grandmother represented as a Christian when she wasn’t? Who was responsible for the deception? Why didn’t the Obama campaign, in the interests of openness and full disclosure, correct the false report about the candidate’s grandmother when it circulated around the world?
And why wasn’t anyone in the mainstream media asking such questions?
Nor did Obama’s Muslim connections – connections he denied having while he was on the campaign trail – end even there.
[i] Katharine Houreld, “Obama’s grandma slams ‘untruths,’” Associated Press, March 5, 2008.
[ii] “Obama’s grandmother to perform haj,” Daily Times, May 3, 2009.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 04:22 PM
My note:
If the liberal media grabs hold of this "prayer request" of the Grandmother, it is only to side-track the public into thinking Obama is NOT a Muslim.
From day one, Obama's support for the Muslim world, his apologies and gifts to Islamic organizations at the expense of the American taxpayers and their safety, the Cairo speech, CAIR members within the White House (as advisers), removing identification of America's enemies i.e. Muslim Jihad, plus numerous other signs pointing to the actions and reactions of one in the White House,
Obama is as Christian as his Grandmother!
Bee Sting