Friday, November 5, 2010

Obama’s Asian trip to cost over 1 Billion $

November 5, 2010

Tag hotel


Source:  Israpundit

Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann has blasted the White House for what she calls “over-the-top” spending on President Obama’s upcoming trip to Asia.

Obama leaves Friday on a trip that begins in India and will also take him to Indonesia, South Korea and Japan. Reports are circulating that the president and his entourage of about 3,000 officials, business people, journalists, and security personnel will spend some $200 million a day during his 4-day visit to India, which would put the tab for the entire trip well over $1 billion.

“We have never seen this sort of an entourage going with the president before,”
Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in an interview that aired on Wednesday.  
“And I think this is an example of the massive overspending that we’ve seen, not only just in the last two years, really in the last four.”

bachman, obama, asia, trip, expense Britain’s Daily Mail reported that the trip will involve 40 aircraft and six armored cars, including a black Cadillac with its own communications center that will transport Obama during his visit to India, with planned stops in Mumbai and New Delhi.

Some 500 American security personnel have reportedly been in India for weeks preparing for the presidential visit.

There is even a report in India that the United States will move a fleet of 34 warships, including an aircraft carrier, into position to patrol the sea lanes off the coast of Mumbai during Obama’s stay.

Commenting on the reported costs of the trip, White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage said: “Due to security concerns, we are unable to outline details associated with security procedures and costs, but it’s safe to say these numbers are wildly inflated.”

But several sources including The Telegraph in Britain are reporting that security measures in India are so extensive that all coconuts on trees near Mumbai’s Gandhi museum, one of the sites Obama will visit, are being removed.

Falling coconuts injure or even kill people in India every year. “We told the authorities to remove the dry coconuts from trees near the building,” an official at the museum told the BBC. “Why take a chance?”


FALLING COCONUTS?!  I think a few nuts were released from Washington and are visiting India!

This is not just about "over spending" ... this is about a president who feels he deserves nothing but the best ... and who knows, maybe the Tataj hotel will sooth his hurt ego from America voicing its opposition to this "Tax and Spend" president.

More importantly, spending ONE BILLION DOLLARS does not gain America a "sound" foreign policy - that would take the wisdom that does not come from Obama, et al.  

Bee Sting

also, from Israpundit:

While America Burns Obama Plays Like the Saudi king… On our dime

Who said America didn’t have enough, military assets and financial resources to Bomb Iran? Who said America was in financial difficulties? Who said obama was a socialist? Fore!! Yamit
‘$200m-a-day’ cost of Barack Obama’s trip to India will be picked up by U.S. taxpayers,
“Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”-
by Stacy Webber
Obama’s Billion Dollar Trip Raises the Bar of Government Excess. I remember watching the show “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” as a kid during the mid-eighties. The host, Robin Leach, led the viewer on tours of the incredible “stuff” of the uber-rich. There were unimaginable displays of excess like gold plated toilets and personal jets with full time crews. I had never seen anything like it before. It was remarkable to see the people spend money so lavishly. My Dad was in college at the time and we had to pinch pennies until they cried out in pain. It was so disconnected from my reality that it was like watching alien life forms. I was reminded of this sensation when I read the unbelievable details of President Obama’s trip to India.
The cost of the Obama trip is estimated at 200 million dollars a day. The budget includes 40 jets, 34 war ships, 400 cars, a presidential limousine, 800 rooms at the Taj Hotel and Hyatt, 3 helicopters, 3 luxury jets, an entourage of 800 personnel, Air Force One and the cost of coconut removal from the trees due to the potential hazard they cause to the president. Just in case you were wondering, the U.S. taxpayer is on the hook for tab.

Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights. It is interesting to note that the same White House so eager to celebrate the Diwali with Hindus in India, will not be wishing Americans a “Merry Christmas” but “Season’s Greetings” on their CHRISTMAS cards this year. Personally, I find precious little to celebrate about the season of winter. So unless Obama is Lord Rama, one of the festivals celebrated gods, I see no reason for him to be there.

Is this the same president that railed against GM executives traveling aboard company jets to bailout meetings because of the cost? Am I the only one whose hypocrisy alarm is going off right now? Is it a coincidence or spit in our eyes, that the president embarks on his trip on the same day that the Federal Reserve will print up to 1 trillion dollars to buy some of the U.S.’ unprecedented debt? Could someone remind the White House and the Federal Reserve “Bank” about the fate of the Weimar Republic? 

This display of reckless, “fiddling while Rome burns” spending is almost enough to make Alex Jones look like a prophet. (I said ALMOST.) While Obama takes off on his trip, the rest of us will be looking to the new crop of politicians to end the nightmare of wasteful government spending.

“Champagne wishes and caviar dreams” everyone!

specifically wanted to celebrate Diwali and to do so with the Indian people.
The billion dollar price tag for this ten day trip begs the question of “Why?”. When asked about the reason for the president’s visit, Jeff Bader, Senior Director for Asia Affairs at the National Security Council for the White House said that Obama

Posted by yamit82 @ 1:45 pm