Saturday, November 6, 2010

Media Explode with Talk of Impeachment

Suddenly, as if they realize the president’s crimes against liberty have become too well known, the media have exploded with reports of Obama’s impending impeachment.

 The Daily Caller has a piece stating, “Liberals Worry GOP Will Attempt to Impeach Obama.” The Christian Science Monitor asks, “Will Republicans Now Impeach Obama? (Is That a Serious Question?)” Last month, Jonathan Chait of The New Republic has written, “If Republicans win and maintain control of the House of Representatives, they are going to impeach President Obama.” On Thursday, Politico’s Josh Gerstein sent the White House a message in an article entitled,“Memo to Obama: Lawyer Up.” (The Washington Times responded with the editorial:

 “Memo to Obama: Don’t Lawyer Up”; George Soros’ boys at Media Matters objected only to the Times.) The Wall Street Journal piled on with a blog entry advising, “Lawyer Up, Mr. President, Here Come the Subpoenas.”

The Hill newspaper reports that the GOP is likely to tell the Obama administration not to shred any documents, which it will subpoena next year.

The undisputed leader of the conservative movement, Rush Limbaugh, is cheering the development. On his radio program on Friday, Rush said, “Subpoena power – that’s where Republicans have a goldmine.” International evangelist and WorldNetDailycommentator Hal Lindsey dedicated the headlines on Thursday to whether Obama would be impeached.

Liberals are predictably apoplectic over the possibility. MSNBC’s Ed Schultz, who has spent his envious life imitating Rush or savaging him, warned, “House Republicans… might go so far as to try to impeach President Obama.” Earlier this week, Sgt. Schultz demanded the incoming Republican leadership foreswear any attempt at impeachment, saying….