Wednesday, November 10, 2010

“Marco, Rubio, you just won the U.S. Senate Seat for Florida! What are you going to do next?”

“Marco, Rubio, you just won the U.S. Senate Seat for Florida! What are you going to do next?”

Marco Rubio, “I’m going to Israel!”

EJ Press Rubio has called for the United States to move it’s embassy embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, a promise made by previous administrations, but never carried out.
“Senator-elect Rubio and his wife Jeanette will be making a private and personal visit to the Holy Land next week,” his spokespan Alex Burgos told AFP by email, stressing that details of the trip “will be kept private.”
“Senator-elect Rubio is also working with pro-Israel supporters to make an official trip back to Israel early next year after he is sworn into office,” said Burgos.
Rubio, 39, the son of Cuban exiles, cruised to easy victory in Tuesday’s elections over his Democratic and independent rivals and was immediately anointed one of the Republican party’s rising stars and potential vice presidential hopeful.
“He’s never been to Israel before, he’s always told us he wants to go,” Israel’s deputy consul general in Miami, Paul Hirschson, said.
Political pundits say that Rubio’s visit, so soon after the election win, is meant to show that the (pro-Israel) US Congress in its current form will continue where it left off — at least where Israel is concerned.
According to,in a speech Rubio gave on Israel in June to the Republican Jewish Coalition,he called on the United States to move its embassy to Jerusalem and talked “about the need for the United States to stand with Israel without equivocation or hesitation.”
In that speech, according to the website, he also criticized the Obama administration’s handling of the U.S.-Israel relationship and said that the U.S. should not push Israel to a settlement freeze before negotiations. Like America, he said, Israel is an “exceptional” nation.
The elections saw five Jewish Democratic representatives lose their seats in the Senate but the Republican victory in the House of Representatives means that the only Jew in the party, Eric Cantor from Virginia, is set to become House Majority Leader.
Among the Jewish politicians whose terms came to an end were: Ron Klein and Alan Grayson from Florida, Steve Kagan from Wisconsin and John Adler from New Jersey.(HOORAY! Liberal Jews are even worse than liberals)
Many of the strongest friends and supporters of the U.S.-Israel relationship were reelected on Tuesday. These included Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democratic representative from Nevada,  and Republican John Boehner from Ohio, widely tipped to be named Republican majority leader in the House of Representatives, which his party seized from Democratic control. H/T Rod F

November 10, 2010
Categories: Islam and the Jews . . Author: barenakedislam


Thank you, Marco Rubio!  Israel will welcome you with open arms.

Yaniv ben Mashiach - Jerusalem