Wednesday, November 17, 2010

“The Jews have no future among the nations”


Mahmoud al-Zahar delivered a vitriolic anti-Semitic speech on Hamas channel Al-Aqsa TV . Photo:

Co-founder and senior member of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Mahmoud al-Zahar delivered a vitriolic anti-Semitic speech on Hamas channel Al-Aqsa TV 

By:  Jonatan Urich 

November 16, 2010

“The Jews have no future among the nations,” proclaimed senior Hamas member Mahmoud al-Zahar, in a vitriolic anti-Semitic speech recently delivered on Hamas channel Al-Aqsa TV. A transcript published on Tuesday (Nov. 16) by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center shows that al-Zahar’s speech blames the Jews for their own historical persecution and that the murders of Jews in European countries occurred “because they betrayed, stole and corrupted these countries."

From this, al-Zahar draws the conclusion that the destruction of Israel and the expulsion of Jews from all over Palestine is an inevitable historic step.

It should be noted that his speech is based on a book he wrote entitled No Future Among Nations which was published in 2008 by the Algerian publishing house Dar al-Khaldunia. In his book, al-Zahar develops his main thesis that the Jews are a foreign body, which various countries in the world should expel from their territories. Mahmoud al-Zahar uses quotations from the Qur’an in order to justify the murder of Jews and presents “evidence” in his book that Zionism is destined to be annihilated. Just as he said in his recent speech, al-Zahar similarly writes that Zionism has “no future among the nations.”

This constitutes further incitement as these widespread anti-Semitic lines are often repeated by the Hamas terrorist organization since its foundation. Incitement is part of the organization’s identity and is used for propaganda and recruitment purposes within certain population sectors. Anti-Semitic sentiments have been expressed by Hamas and religious leaders aligned with the organization throughout many occasions, and are included in the Hamas Charter written in 1982.

ITIC argues that incitement against Jews to the various targeted audiences grants legitimization for terrorists to execute attacks against Israel until the entire state is destroyed and the Jews are expelled from it. All this represents an alternative to the way chosen by the Palestinian Authority based on negotiations, a path which is opposed by Hamas.

The ITIC review indicates that Mahmoud al-Zahar’s anti-Semitic speech is characteristic of an approach widely used in contemporary Arab and Muslim anti-Semitism, which consists of turning a victim (i.e., the Jew) into a criminal. Arab and Muslim anti-Semitism expresses understanding and even justifies the murder of Jews, their deportation and persecution, by accusing them of bringing persecution upon themselves because of their despicable and innate characteristics. According to this belief system, the Jews brought upon themselves all their misfortunes including the Holocaust and are deserving of the hatred against them in every society they ever lived in, in every generation, even today.

My note:

"Mahmoud al-Zahar uses quotations from the Qur’an in order to justify the murder of Jews" ......

Here is an Arab Muslim quoting from the Qur'an to justify the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel.  Now, think back to a few months ago, when Obama stated that "Americans should be tolerant" towards Islam, as he explained to America that Islam is a "Religion of Peace".

Eighter Mahmoud al-Zahar misunderstands Islam, or Obama is selling a bill of goods to America that undermines our democratic society!  al-Zahar is clearly using the Qur'an to justify the destruction to Israel and all Jews.  He could also do this towards the Christians and all "infidels" i.e. non-Muslims, by using the same Qur'an.

Does anyone wonder why, after 10 years of battling Islam in far-off countries, our troops are still fighting to keep America safe from the terrorism promoted by Islamic terrorists?

Does anyone still wonder why body-searches are done in America's airports - simply because Islam has promised to destroy the West and chant "Death to America"?!

Obama should stop singing his "lullaby" of lies to America, WAKE UP, and be honest in describing America's enemy - Islamic terrorism, committed by Islamic followers, .... end the charade now!

Oh, and please stop funneling America's money into the Middle Eastern countries i.e. Hamas/Gaza, Palestinians/Abbas, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt - that would be a new and fresh start in healing our own land.  Obama cannot heal or bring peace to the Middle East by way of the American taxpayers purse strings, nor can he moderate negotiations between these Palestinians and Israeli leaders, until he first fixes his own house here in the United States.

Bee Sting