Diwali— an Eco-Friendly Celebration
Diwali, the festival of Lights, is a popular South East Asian holiday.
Darkness is ‘chased’ away by lightening candles and lamps made of clay.
To prepare for Diwali kids help their parents organize and clean,
But don’t throw out your unwanted clothes and toys, instead donate them.
Remind your parents about the importance of giving and being green.
Cleaning up should go beyond your house and classroom.
Lets clean up our environment, pick up some litter,
Or plant a tree or flower seeds and wait for spring to see’em bloom.
The Festival of Lights is a good time to think about all the energy we consume.
Encourage your parents not to turn on all the lights at home,
And instead use candles and clay lamps to brighten up the room.
Lighting fireworks on Diwali is popular and can be fun,
But the toxins used in them are not good for the environment or a human.
Instead of fireworks, there are other ways to light up your outdoor space,
Put up LED holiday lights, they use less energy and will brighten up any place.
Diwali is also a celebration of giving, so many people thinks it’s a good time to buy.
Instead of buying, be creative, make gifts at home- paint a picture or bake a pie.
Do you know how many greeting cards are thrown out each year?
Send your family and friends Diwali e-cards, you can find them here (http://www.indiaexpress.com/cards/Holidays/Diwali/ )
This Diwali take the time to reflect on the things that you and your family can do to be green,
Take the lead and share these ideas with your parents, show them you’re keen to be green!
Wishing you and your family a Happy Diwali!