Political Correctness: How To Avoid It.
This video blog explains my hatred for the hypocritical standards of many Islamic peoples in reference to the cartoons of the prophet Mohammed depicted in a Danish newspaper. It sparked riots in the Muslim world, yet their portrayal of Jews in their media is far worse and is rarely acknowledged. I will not accept the double-standards of the Arabic world.
Many of you have commented that the satirical parody of Mohammed, a prophet, is not as insulting as that of the cartoons depicting Moses, Jewish political figures, or the like. My answer to this is that yes, the anti-semitic cartoons (for example the Hitler and the Jews cartoons) are not of a prophet, but they carry exactly the same offensive weight as the danish publication. They may not depict a prophet, but the nature of the cartoons is as directly offensive and malevolent, if not more so because they reflect a WHOLE GROUP OF PEOPLE, not JUST A SINGLE PROPHET!
Despite using my own music in most of my videos, the music in this video is "Get Misunderstood" by the Troublemakers from the album "Barcelona - Paris 2nd Flight" by David De Barce)