Sunday, November 07, 2010

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said his fellow conservative, fresh from their historic elections romp this week, support "bold" action to deal with Iran.Here's Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak's non-response to Iranophile Roger Cohen asking about Graham's statement.
If President Barack Obama "decides to be tough with Iran beyond sanctions, I think he is going to feel a lot of Republican support for the idea that we cannot let Iran develop a nuclear weapon," he told the Halifax International Security Forum.
"The last thing America wants is another military conflict, but the last thing the world needs is a nuclear-armed Iran... Containment is off the table."
The South Carolina Republican saw the United States going to war with the Islamic republic "not to just neutralize their nuclear program, but to sink their navy, destroy their air force and deliver a decisive blow to the Revolutionary Guard, in other words neuter that regime."
He spoke just days before expected nuclear talks will see US and Iranian officials sitting at the same table for discussions on Tehran's nuclear drive. The two countries have lacked diplomatic ties since the Iran hostage crisis of 1979.
The electoral defeat of four Democrats who sat on the powerful US House Armed Services Committee bolsters the Republican's position.
But Democrats may gain surprise support for continued diplomacy from some ultra-conservative Tea Party newcomers to Washington who diverge on foreign policy matters with their Republican brethren.
Various UN resolutions and sanctions have sought to halt Iran's uranium enrichment activities, so far having little effect.
Let's go to the videotape.
The problem is that under the US constitution, it's the President who has the power to make war. Congress has the power of the purse, but it cannot order an attack. I don't see Barack Obama attacking Iran under anycircumstances - at least as of right now. The best we can hope for from Congress is that they push Obama hard enough that he won't stop an Israeli attack, and maybe he'll even support one after the fact. And even that's a stretch.
Source: Israel Matzav
My Note:
1, 2, 3, Red Light is a children's game also known as "Red Light, Green Light." There's not much to it: when a caller says "Green Light" the kids can run, and "Red Light" means they have to stop. In this song, the singer keeps getting the "Red Light" from his girl, which he finds frustrating.
For all who understand the threat Iran poses to the world, it's time for someone to say,
These copy photos in real time. Should give video delay of several minutes, in order to obtain a uniform continuation of the video.Unit 669SWAT - (Hebrew YAMAM terrorists .. YAMAS pull out from areas of innocents hostile territory, without harming the innocent.
Edodven: undercover unit: undercover unit: role, dressing up to an enemy, liquidation, and the kidnapping operationFlotilla 13 (israel navy) elimination quiet operation Quiet operation with further progress.Later the woman you see, look at the shoes, this soldier of Flotilla 13 commandos disguised as a woman. Below: armor soldiers. And paratroopers, their faces can be visible. Then SWAT soldiers (yamas) over the structure of a building containing terrorists. Chopper takes them into the building, and after completing the operation, the helicopter taking them back.Then SWAT training area. Exercise terrorist takeover. Twelve ball, in twelve goals. Then, written in subtitles, that out of the 1,500 fighters, are obtained for this unit less than one percent, between 12 and 15 soldiers are received annually. and they must pass filtering and consolidation. Then 8 months of training course, and only after that, they are considered "combatants." at: "The Soldier D 36, serving eight and a half years on SWAT. Before that, he was in The Shin Bet security department. It is not enough. "Sayeret Matkal: three of her performance: liquidation. Kidnappings, and hostage rescue. Central role in time of war, to break the center of enemy territory, from without revelation, to collect real information in real time. This preparation, two and a half apprenticeship
Bee Sting