Witness describes poll misconduct, professors push the vote on campus, plus,
if you want to report voter fraud, there's now an app for that courtesy of American Majority.
Source: Pajamas Media
We are hearing stories about voter fraud and leftist shenanigans from all over. For instance, watch this video of a poll watcher’s story about what she has seen during early voting in Houston, Texas. This is eyewitness testimony to voter fraud in the form of a poll worker casting votes on behalf of voters, captured by True the Vote and aired exclusively at PJM/PJTV.
This has been reported to the authorities.
We’re gathering other evidence of the left’s particular brand of GOTV, such as hints that professors may be abusing their positions to encourage their students to vote a certain way, as in this email from a professor at the University of Texas at Brownsville (emphases in original).
Dear CoE Colleagues,This afternoon, we received a request from the provost that all faculty walk with their students to the UTB/TSC early voting polling site located in Mary Rose Cardenas South during the last 10-15 minutes of class on Thursday and Friday (the poll will also be open on Monday).The number of students and faculty voting on campus remains low, far below our goal of 100%, which puts our campus polling place at risk. Please consider engaging your students in a dialog about why they choose to vote or not to vote. With several positions on the ballot for the local school board, there is much to talk about in a College of Education regarding voter participation.No class? No problem. CoE staff will be available to drive faculty and staff (not students) in the golf cart to MRCS to vote. The minimum number of passengers is three. Call 882-7220 for a free ride to the polling place.Starting tomorrow, tallies will be taken by college for student, faculty, and staff voter turnout. Let the College of Education lead the way!Enthusiastically,Selma YznagaSelma d. Yznaga, Ph.D., LPC-S
Founder, Texas Counselors for Social Justice
Associate Professor
Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies
The University of Texas at Brownsville
“Founder, Texas Counselors for Social Justice.” How telling. Any chance she wants her students to vote for fiscal responsibility and limited government?
If you witness anything like these incidents, please send it to us at pollwatch@pajamasmedia.com.
We also want to encourage you to download and use American Majority’s Voter Fraud app if you have a smart phone. The Voter Fraud app will help you capture and geotag what you witness, and you can use it to flag your report to AM. American Majority and Pajamas Media are working together through Election Day to get voter fraud cases reported, both to the proper authorities and to the nation.
Bryan Preston has been a leading conservative blogger and opinionator since founding his first blog in 2001. Bryan is a military veteran, worked for NASA, hails from Hot Air, was producer of the Laura Ingraham Show and, most recently before joining PJM, was Communications Director of the Republican Party of Texas.