I'm an American
Click here to read about the song.
Does this song say what you are feeling? I'm a "spare bedroom" guitar player who was inspired to write and produce this song and video. I hope it inspires you. If you like it, please leave a comment, share it with others and pass it along! Send this video and its message around the world and back.
I'm happy to say that the song was featured on Sept 16 in an hour-long segment with Gary Sutton and Jim Horn on News Radio 910 in York PA. They invited me on the air to talk and to take calls. Never done anything like that before! Gary and Jim said it went really well. They and their listeners could not have been nicer. It was awesome!
People have asked - "I'm an American" is available at iTunes and Amazon. The album cover art has the title and says "Play it loud. Play it Proud." Can't miss it!
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Does this song say what you are feeling? I'm a "spare bedroom" guitar player who was inspired to write and produce this song and video. I hope it inspires you. If you like it, please leave a comment, share it with others and pass it along! Send this video and its message around the world and back.
I'm happy to say that the song was featured on Sept 16 in an hour-long segment with Gary Sutton and Jim Horn on News Radio 910 in York PA. They invited me on the air to talk and to take calls. Never done anything like that before! Gary and Jim said it went really well. They and their listeners could not have been nicer. It was awesome!
People have asked - "I'm an American" is available at iTunes and Amazon. The album cover art has the title and says "Play it loud. Play it Proud." Can't miss it!
Thanks for viewing!
Hello, Remember Me? Im Your Flag
Thanks to Jeff Bruzzo from Project Shining City and Matthew Vermillion from OKforTEA for helping make this vision a reality. This has disappeared from the archives, but we hope you enjoy it. Special Thanks to Glenn Beck for his unending strength and perseverance... America needs more people like him. Lloyd and Mary Marcus, this is for you as well for standing tall and proud for the Tea Party Movement. To my dad, a proud veteran who helped keep America free, and to my sons, Kyle and Cory ~ may you always enjoy the freedoms and liberties of this great nation! In honor and memory of Marc Allen Lee ~ and God bless Americas Mighty Warriors for their support of our mighty warriors. http//www.windowstoliberty.com http//www.projectshiningcity.org http//www.americasmightwarriors.org To the Tea Party, the Patriots, and all Americans ~ Stand tall and proud today and always ~ Remember me... old glory! God bless America!
You're A Grand Old Flag
Photographs of US flag by Bill Bielby set to "You're a Grand Old Flag" in a video by Dave Bell.
Dear AMERICA - remember November! God bless America! - Bee sting