Sunday, October 10, 2010

British Jewish Nobel Laureates - By: Planck's Constant

By Bernie on 09 Oct 2010
Source/link: Planck's Constant

It has been 354 years since Cromwell decided to allow Jews to return to Britain and ever since then Jews have contributed greatly to the country's scientific, financial and cultural life.
Although Jews are a mere half of one percent of the population of the UK, they have garnered 14% of the 93 Nobel Prizes in science and literature awarded to the UK.

1945Chain, Boris ErnstRussian/GermanGermany*medicine
1953Krebs, HansGermanGermany*medicine
1954Born, MaxGermanGermany*physics
1962Perutz, Ferdinand MaxAustrianAustria*chemistry
1970Katz, Bernard SirRussianGermany*medicine
1971Gabor, DennisHungarianHungary*physics
1973Josephson, David BrianBritishWalesphysics
1981Canetti, EliasSephardiBulgaria*literature
1982Klug, AaronLithuanianLithuaniachemistry
1982Vane, Sir JohnRussian/EnglishUKmedicine
1984Milstein, CesarArgentinianArgentinamedicine
2002Brenner, SydneyLithuanianSouth Africamedicine
2005Pinter, HaroldPolishUKliterature

You will note that two of the Laureates were born in the UK and one in Wales; of the other 10 who are immigrants, 7 came to the UK to escape Nazi persecution (the ones with an asterisk after their birthplace). As I noted in my article German Nobel Prize Laureates, had Hitler not destroyed 75% of Germany's Jews, I have no doubt that Germany would be leading the world in Nobel Prize winners.
Sadly, for the past two decades the government of the UK, by allowing so many Muslims to infest their country, has made it difficult for Jews to remain. Anti-Semitic violence by Muslims has become endemic in Britain, both on the streets and on university campuses, forcing many Jews to emigrate. While all ethnic groups have increased their numbers in Britain, there are now 50,000 fewer Jews than twenty years ago.
I offer a solution tomorrow. Stay tuned.

If you are wondering whats up with the image at the top of the page, on 5 June 2010 Google honored Dennis Gabor the inventor of holography by displaying the Google doodle/logo.
Dennis Gabor (5 June 1900 - , 9 February 1979) was a British-Hungarian electrical engineer who invented holography, for which he received the 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Gabor fled from Nazi Germany in 1933, and is one of those 7 Jews I mentioned above.