Wednesday, September 8, 2010

BURN THE BOOK…..General Petraeus is an idiot!

All I needed to know about Islam,
I learned on September 11, 2001

Source/Link:  Israpundit


” And he shall be as a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him…”

General Petraeus says that the little church that wants to burn the mohammedan book would make life dangerous for Americans around the world.

Has this man been asleep for the past 20 years or so? Is his brain functioning in any way?

No book burning caused 9 11. What was the provocation for that wanton destruction of innocent life ?

These people are always on the edge and kill for nothing at all . They don’t need book burnings to set them off. The carnage and death they have spawned began at the invention of their belief system. It is nothing new.

Now they are running amok like wild men yelling “death to America”. Well it’s not the first time. This is an ongoing mantra for them. This has been happening for decades with no real provocation at all. It’s just who they are. Uncontrollable wild men.

The General said, “Were the actual burning to take place, the safety of our soldiers and civilians would be put in jeopardy and accomplishment of the mission would be made more difficult.” 

But they weren’t in danger before that? We were not at war before that? What put them in danger in the first place?

Why isn’t the murder of innocent Jews and Christians condemned with the same fervor? Who is the enemy as far as Petraeus is concerned? Do we hire generals to fight wars or to placate the enemy?

General Petraeus needs to wake up and smell the coffee.

While burning those books won’t help anything, it isn’t the cause of the war and death either that can be laid squarely on the shoulders of the people we are fighting.

The US had the option of ending this war decisively long ago and chose not to. Instead the war has been one of tiptoeing around, worrying about the feelings of the enemy, who cares nothing for the holy books of the west , who trample the flag and the people of other beliefs with joy.

The movement of “let’s help these people feel good about themselves” is a most egregious nonsense.

“We advise Western countries to prevent the exploitation of freedom of expression to insult religious sanctities, otherwise the emotions of Muslim nations cannot be controlled,” said the foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast from Tehran.

Yes because they are always so ultra controlled otherwise, right? This is the most uncontrolled bunch in human history and they need no provocation to run amok.


Islam:  The Religion of Peace (and a big stack of dead bodies)

Picture of the Week

Ramadan in 
Pakistan is always a blast. 
Ramadan 2010 Scorecard 
Day 28
In the name of
The Religion
of Peace
In the name of
All Other
Terror Attacks
Dead Bodies