Source: Israpundit
The Hashmonean: In Zion we trust
Yamit: There is no doubt in my mind of UNIFIL’s complicity. Israel meaning BB is also complicit in our tepid response. Most of all Bush and Olmert are responsible for the murder of a senior Israeli officer. The silence of the world is deafening, is anyone surprised?
Damaging Imagery Shows UNIFIL Forces Shielding Lebanese Soldiers Attacking the IDF
The IDF informed UNIFIL UN ’peacekeepers’ of the brush clearing operations which were taking place on the Israeli side of the border with Lebanon in advance. The images clearly show soldiers working with a crane
So now what is their purpose? Is it to shield the Lebanese Army while it opens up with automatic sniper fire on IDF soldiers in ambush!? Is it to allow the Lebanese to fire RPGs at us while we cannot respond lest the world go insane because a UN Peacekeeper / Human Shield was hurt or killed??
Where is Ban-Ki Moon?
* Where is US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice?
* Where is the UN Security Council which only convenes emergency sessions to CONDEMN Israel?
* Where is our only ally the United States of America who helped negotiate & force this UNIFIL farce in the 1st place in 2006?
They have all been very quiet today. A stark contrast to their usual rush to judgment statements when it comes time to smear the State of Israel. More
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As for "where is the U.S." - in its usual place; supporting the PLO/PA puppet, Abbas in an attempt to bring about a false peace between the Arab League and Israel. America does not hear a peep out of this Administration! Not when Hamas sends rockets into Israel almost every weekend, at the beginning of the Sabbath; nor, does it speak up against this latest Hizbollah attack upon Israel. Just another reason for America, weeping for justice, dear Israel.
The day Israel was attacked by Lebanon, in New York City, politicians appointed by a Jewish Mayor voted and passed unanimously,a request to erect a mega-mosque in the heart of NYC, blocks away from Ground Zero.
America weeps over being fooled by a few New York politicians that have decided to hug and accept the outrageous Islamic symbol of conquest for the murders of 3,000 Americans one sunny September morning.
Perhaps this is justice for America's silence from its administration, rather than supporting Israel.(?) These politicians and its Jew-hating, Islamic-loving Mayor are merely following in the footsteps of America's so-called "leaders" in Washington, DC.
After all, one can't claim to stand for democracy while supporting those Islamic terrorists who attack the United States of America.