Monday, August 16, 2010

Obama: The War Against the Jews Abandoning Israel

Posted by Matt Gurney on Jul 22nd, 2010 and filed under FrontPage.
Source:  FrontPage


This is not to say that the United States is doing nothing, but to point out that while sabotage and sanctions are great, a forceful demonstration of America’s commitment to Israel security would go a long way towards making clear to Iran that its actions have consequences. It would also allay the fears of Israel officials undoubtedly now losing sleep every night wondering how long they can hold off attacking while their ally tries to befriend and please Israel’s enemies.
There are domestic political advantages to such steps, as well. President Obama could do much to blunt the criticism that he is set on appeasing the Muslim world, even by bizarre means such as turning NASA into a public relations firm, by taking a strong stand behind Israeli security. He could, of course, continue to push for the resumption of the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, and could push for tangible ways of easing the plight of those living under the heel of Hamas brutality in the Gaza Strip. Showing that America is resolved to defend Israel need not mean that it is abandoning the Palestinians, and if the Administration hopes to make new friends in the Arab world by leaving the Israelis out in the cold, it will  quickly find itself with no friends at all in the region.
President Obama must look to the history of his country, and his own political party, and borrow from John F. Kennedy’s playbook, declaring that an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel — or Iranian assistance to any proxy towards that end — would be considered an attack upon America and responded to in kind. He must  also publicly offer Israel all assistance necessary to prepare for, and if necessary survive, such an attack. Such a display of American confidence and solidarity, no more than the South Koreans have received, would go far further towards impressing hostile Muslim countries than a dozen Cairo speeches or trite offers of new beginnings.
Matt Gurney is an editor at the National Post, a Canadian national newspaper, and writes and speaks on military and geopolitical issues. He can be reached
[Editor's note: To get the whole story on Obama's betrayal of Israel, read the Freedom Center's new pamphlet by David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin, Obama and the War Against the Jews.]
To read the pamphlet, click here.
To order the pamphlet, click here.

Obama's comments about the mega-mosque at Ground Zero; this morning's article 

 Obama Shifts MidEast Balance of Power Away From Israel by 

demonstrate a total shift under Obama towards those who profess to be America's "friends", when in reality, Obama's support for Islam ideology is undermining both America and Israel's democracies.  Supporting a backward, death cult called "Islam", Obama is placing the United States in great danger, along with Israel's ability to defend itself against the numerous Islamic countries in the Middle East that support terrorism i.e. Hamas, Hizbollah, and even Abbas, who called on the Arab countries to "hit/strike" Israel, claiming he (Abbas) would be only too happy to join in the fight!
Continue to connect the dots, folks; watch the Pharaoh in the White House, as he is hell bent in destroying America and her ally, Israel.  Obama's administration has blamed Israel for the lack of peace in the Middle East; demands constantly that Israel freeze construction in East Jerusalem/West Bank, make concessions to the Arabs, while the Palestinians sit back and enjoy the show.  Obama is no friend to Israel - his friendship is and always has been to Islam and its ideology - which, by the way, has nothing to do with "freedom of religion" - and everything to do with conquest and murder of all "infidels", along with building shrines (mosques) in the countries they have attacked i.e. Ground Zero, Jerusalem, etc.

How fitting that Obama's first major speech took place in Cairo- a speech that outlined his "stand" with Islam.
