Dear President Obama,
This week was a dark day for America. Well, actually, there have been dark days since you took Office, but this week a Mayor of New York City and his appointees chose to allow a mega-mosque to be built near the very sight of Ground Zero, where Islam murdered 3,000 Americans.
To our dismay, Mr. President, we noticed that you were silent, when Americans thought you could have suggested this ground be placed aside as an American "Landmark" to honor all who died from the hands of radical Islamist. Do you remember that day, Sir? It is the day that has brought about almost 10 years of America losing some of her best and brightest young men and women to a "War on Terror".
It was on September 11, 2010 that Muslims hijacked planes and purposely flew them into the Twin Towers and knocked them down. Instead of America rebuilding the "Towers" in defiance of these terrorists and the ideology of Islam i.e. "kill all infidels", what does America do? What does New York City under Mayor Bloomberg do? They allow a mosque to be built near this tragedy, where the ashes of 3,000 Americans have died under the bloody hands of Islamic terrorism. A mosque - a memorial to the 19 Muslim martyr "heroes" of their faith.
Wimps! Outrageous! Insulting! Unacceptable!
I ask you, Mr. President, where is "your" American spirit?
I say let’s take a few BILLION DOLLARS of the stimulus money, Mr. President and put some Americans to work building the most awesome, the tallest, the most technologically advanced state of the art dual towers in the world, the World Trade Center II.
I also say let the skies in and around NY and America be patrolled by the mightiest military machine in the world and let the Muslims of the world know who’s boss and if they ever do such a thing again on American soil they can expect a few daisy cutters to be dropped on Mecca during the time of their pilgrimage!
Don’t these radical times in which we live demand such things, Mr. President?
Radical times and a ten year war on Islamic terrorism deserve a radical response to our enemies, from a country that is suppose to be a "Beacon of Light" to a free world. If Mecca needs to be lit up, so be it!
Let Freedom ring! God bless America and all who stand with her.
Bee Sting
P.S. .. In case you have forgotten, here is a video for a gentle reminder: