Saturday, August 28, 2010

Members with the actual light singing "Hear, O Israel," Dror Ziv Tal

Amirfuter | July 09, 2010 (translation from the Hebrew)

Meyer Hajbi creates talented singer from Elad released in Law rare words dear - Jonah entered the studio of Dror Elkayam! And after years of delay enlisted to get this song from the anonymity doomed! Cry of "Hear O Israel Lord our God name the name of" SHEMA ISRAEL "resonates the song gives it a unique touch! Said "Dung raise pauper"! "That every time a time under heaven" (that day will give salary) "proud of wearing the name" "Blessed are the proud humiliating" Let us LORD our God the God of our fathers, voters David worked his seed after him, singing songs voter, remember Berhmich great many blessings the Content Azach, which moved up like a bird wandering from Buy "You get up and have mercy on Zion that time Lhane that came to" establish Utgbia the Israeli Knesset and fall, help us Berhmich many, we will raise a voice singing, for we have the power to order you Songs found voice service praised Brennan, Ongynutinu we'll play all our lives a pleasant voice and night when the love