TO: Mayor Bloomberg, NYC
CC: All the "politically incorrect" politicians who voted for the Mosque to be built at Ground Zero
Islam terrorists i.e. Muslim Brotherhood, etc.
From: Bee Sting
Thank you one and all for bringing America to the point where we will now bring forward a suggestion to Amend our Constitution:
" I would like to see a Constitutional Amendment to ban this sham called Islam. Regarding the freedom of religion guaranteed by the constitution, while our founding fathers did not envision an attack upon our country in the name of religion as did happen on 9-11, surely by freedom of religion our founding fathers were talking about the religion brought down from the mountain by Moses and the religion of the babe in the manger whose birthday we celebrate every December and yes even the false but benign religions like Buddhism and Hinduism etc., but certainly our founding fathers would not have let this false and cancerous religion of Islam consume us unchecked. Fortunately, our founding fathers had the wisdom to provide for us the tool of a constitutional amendment in which we can and should exclude this cancerous religion which seeks to consume all others through the use of the sword just as we have an exclusion to the freedom of speech (yelling fire in a crowded place)."
The above-mentioned Amendment was suggested to me this morning by a dear friend and concerned American. His idea is brilliant and much needed in order to protect the rights and freedoms of all Americans.
Feel free to pass it on. Share it with the Representatives of your state. Send a message to Washington that Islam is not the way of America's founding fathers, our Constitution, or the morals this country was founded on, by greater men than those sitting in soft leather seats, pretending to have the best interest of America in their crooked hands.
The last straw was the approval of that mega-mosque building at Ground Zero. You have done us all a favor, as now Americans will stand up and fight for their country and amaze the world at our courage to keep America safe from those who wish to place us under the sword of Islam.
"Keep Islam in Mecca and out of America" - (Make up bumper stickers with this slogan! Compliments from Bee)

Mecca - the only place Islam belongs!