Monday, August 23, 2010

Barack Obama Mocks And Makes Fun Of The Bible - Videos

In a recent poll, Americans were asked whether or not they thought Obama was a Muslim.  One out of five polled said they believe he is Muslim.  Another poll found one out of four thought he was Muslim.  Of course, those who think Obama is following the Muslim faith are called "racists" even though Islam is not a "race". 

Well, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck - it is probably a duck!

Since Obama has been President of the United States, there are a great many reasons for wondering what faith Obama follows, and while church and state are "separate" under our Constitution, what does matter is that IF Obama is truly Muslim, he deceived the American people during his campaign when he professed to be a Christian.  Who would lie about their faith?  Could it be that if Americans believed Obama was Muslim, he would not have been elected President, since our troops have been fighting radical Islam for over NINE years?  

True followers of Christianity do NOT mock the Bible, nor would Jews mock the Torah. 

Therefore, the following video with Obama's own words, one has to ask, "What exactly do you believe, Mr. Obama?"  The words we hear from your mouth are loud and clear - like a Verizon advertisement, "Can you hear me now?!"  

This video is an example of one who does not take his "professed" faith seriously, let alone understand Scriptures.  So, as he fluently recites the prayers of Islam, one does have to ask, "Is this just one more lie Obama told the American people throughout his campaign and since he took office?"  Does he "stand" for anything?

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