Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010: Open Letter to Israel

Where are all the Americans?

Dear Israel,
     With American flags flying proudly on the homes of many Americans, our hearts weigh heavy this morning, as we have witnessed these past two years changes to the fabric America that were never expected by most - changes that were brought to our doorsteps and way of life by a man who, during his campaign, promised "hope and change" to many who were war-weary of the years our troops fought, suffered, died and are permanently injured since that fateful day on September 11th.

     It does not matter if you voted for Obama, or had the wisdom to have checked into this man's background long before the voting booths opened that November morning of 2008 - the fact is, he is now living in the "people's" White House, is president of the United States and now, the majority of Americans weep for this huge mistake and Obama and his entire administration is a MISTAKE, much like a sudden earthquake or other disaster of nature; only Obama's presidency is not caused by nature, it is the cause of the nature of those who voted for him.

     This letter is not written to excuse the lack of wisdom of Americans who placed Obama in the White House.  It is written in response to someone who asked me this morning, "Where are all the Americans?" - referring to the appearance of silence from America in reference to this latest news: 

     Each of us are judged by our actions, not just our words and for the sake of all the unsung heroes on the battlefields and in the trenches here, in America, with the simple words of one who does not write as fluently as some of our great thinkers, I would like to share with you, dear Israel, where all the Americans who love freedom, their country, its Constitution and history - both the good and bad - are at this moment in time - who are also friends of Israel.

    Your friends, Israel, have taken up their pens (in these days of modern technology, computers) and pour out their hearts to all who will listen and to those who prefer to ignore our pleas, in order to correct the mistakes made that have brought us to our knees.  Rather than just weep, or complain, we have become your silent defenders - for the one and only democracy in the Middle East, and for the sakes of our own families and grandchildren here in America.  We do not wish to leave this earth in worse condition than when we first found it, at our birth.  

   The birth of America was not without great pain, just as giving birth to a child is with pain; and death causes grief to the loved ones who surround the one preparing to enter eternity.  Today, many of us see America shining less brightly; she tries to catch her breath, but her eyes are dim and she prays for one last chance to correct the mistakes of her life.  She cannot look back to the "good old days"; she must struggle to make these days and her future "good" - but how can she do this, when our very enemies are within our own borders, sitting in seats of leather, in the great halls of the House and Congress; and in our White House?

    From her death bed, she lifts up her hands to the sky and prays for strength and courage and a light enters her soul and she begins the task - a great task of becoming one of America's unsung heroes and at the same time, a voice for her beloved Israel.

   The Americans are writing on International newspapers, refuting the lies of both the liberal news articles and those who come to distort the truth with their daily comments; they are sending letters and faxes to their state representatives and also, to the White House; have sent letters to PM Netanyahu, for encouragement and to say that we all do not agree with this administration's insults and disrespect towards Israel; we are on all the Internet's main channels, whether it is You Tube, Facebook, My Space, or with our own blogs, exposing the lies and distortions of those who wish to re-write America's history; we write letters of support on all Israel's newspapers to show our support; we speak openly of our support to friends and families and ask that they spread the truth to others; we make new friends "on line" and share ideas and ways to continue speaking with confidence; we encourage one another with music and videos that present the truth and with hearts of love, we sing   "God Bless America" and we sing prayers for our beloved Israel.

    Where are the Americans?  We are here, dear Israel.  Please hear us, as we ask our own politicians to hear us; as we plead the cause for our country, for our families, for our friends across the pond; for all America's allies; and especially, for the one nation who sits in the middle of a hornet's nest of Arabs who wish to wipe Israel off the map.

    My words are plain, quite simple, but my love is greater than you shall ever know and it comes with a prayerful bowed head, for one request that shall be heard if we are all in harmony - that our heavenly Father and Creator hear our cries and protect our countries from those who wish to do us harm.

With love,
Bee Sting