What do Muslims do when they conquer their enemies? They build a mosque at the site of their destruction. It is the ultimate symbol of their victory, and now they are planning to do it in New York.
When Muslim forces first conquered Spain in the 8th century they took over the Cordoba Cathedral and built The Great Mosque of Cordoba in tribute to their bloody violence. They did the same in Turkey and Jerusalem. Ironically, they will be calling their symbol of victory at Ground Zero the Cordoba House, which will contain a mosque as well as “an institute for cultural understanding.” Does Mayor Bloomberg understand the history of Muslim conquerors, and the meaning behind their desire to build at Ground Zero? Do the leaders in the city council understand anything other than the cowardly submission to political correctness? I bet those council members would deny homeowners the ability to alter the exterior of their apartment buildings, but build a mosque next to Ground Zero? No problem.
To the developers of the mosque, building at Ground Zero is like Ted Bundy taking underpants from his victims and sleeping with them, or Jeffrey Dahmer keeping skulls from his victims in his refrigerator. It is a macabre way of relishing your victory, and it is exactly what the developers of this mosque are doing. The calculated deception of their intentions is inherent within Islamic culture. Deception is accepted in the Koran to advance the supremacy of Islam.
Faisal Abdul Rauf, a master of deception, and the developer of the $100 million mosque to be built 600 feet from Ground Zero, has Muslim Brotherhood ties and refuses to divulge where the money came from to buy the land and build his shrine. Mayor Bloomberg says it’s “un-American” to investigate the money trail, even though that is exactly how we track down suspected terrorists in this country. He has no problem mandating what kind of fat content should be allowed in New Yorkers’ food, or where they smoke their cigarettes, but he has a big problem investigating a phony “moderate” Muslim before he lets him build a memento of Islamic “victory” over America. Make no mistake about the true intentions of Rauf, which is to advance Sharia Law in America. The Cordoba Mosque is the beginning of this endeavor.
So I ask, is the entire country going to fold under the political correctness of Mayor Bloomberg and council members who obviously have already forgotten the destruction and violence of September 11th?
Is there a more sinister reason that Mayor Bloomberg and the mainstream media are not as concerned as most Americans are about this mosque? After all, Saudi money is all over New York, including within the media, and I don’t trust any of our elected leaders or the media to do the right thing anymore.
Is there a more sinister reason that Mayor Bloomberg and the mainstream media are not as concerned as most Americans are about this mosque? After all, Saudi money is all over New York, including within the media, and I don’t trust any of our elected leaders or the media to do the right thing anymore.
There is one thing I do know. New Yorkers must unite against this insanity. First and foremost, it is their city, their loved ones, and their security that is at stake. But America is our country, and the rest of us must stand with New Yorker’s and encourage them to fight this atrocity before it happens.