Friday, July 23, 2010

3 Things You Should Know About Islam ما يجب أن تعرفه عن الإسلام - Video


Published on 07/21/10
Editor’s Note:

To those of us who have been studying terrorism, jihad, and Islam itself for many years, it is difficult for us to understand why world politicians, and lay people alike do not understand what we already know to be true. It is difficult to have a discussion with people who clearly do not understand the differences between western thought and eastern thought, especially where Islam is involved.

In fact, it is apparent to we non-Muslims of understanding that many, and I dare say most Muslims do not know what we know. The reason is obvious to us, they have only listened to people that tell them what the teacher wants them to hear. They have, like most other people on earth, not taken the time to self-educate, to study, to understand. In our sound-bite mentality world in the west, this is utterly apparent. What is more disturbing is that most Muslims including many Imams are woefully under-educated in their own so-called religion.

I can say this, because I have argued with numerous Muslims, I have seen and heard others argue with them, and in virtually every case, it was easy to shred their core beliefs with facts they never knew. There are so many examples of these types of discussions, but most people never hear them, nor do they care. That is what is so frustrating to those of us who do understand Islam, its creator, its Qu’ran, and its teachings.

Therefore, it was great to see a video come out that in very simple terms breaks the ice for the unknowing, the ignorant, and the deniers. This is true, make no mistake, please watch: