Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Somebody has got to challenge Obama's actions in court

"If my lips are moving - I'm lying!"

June 21, 2010

I'm not kidding here, somebody must legally challenge U.S. President Barack Obama in court as to the legality of his actions.  He's acting like a king or dictator, issuing orders that are unquestionably carried out.  What happened to checks and balances, to the three branches of government?

The US is literally broke.  But Obama keeps issuing orders to "spend, spend, spend".  The Batshit-crazy latest expenditure of cash that America doesn't have is to....

  Obama's new fatherhood and families fund designed to raise awareness about the importance of fatherhood and help absent fathers re-engage with their families.  The Fatherhood, Marriage, and Families Innovation Fund.

Are you nuts? 
Hey Obama!  I'm sorry your father didn't care anything about you and was basically never part of your live and didn't bother to support you.  

I'm sorry that your adoptive father didn't care much for you either.  

Come to think of it, I'm sorry your mother didn't care much for you either.  She dumped you on your grandparents so she could continue with her quest of Muslim black men.  Come to think of it again, your grandfather dumped you off on Communist Frank Marshall Davis.

But this new expenditure of yours isn't going to fill the void in your heart, it just going to cost the already over-burdened American tax payers $500 million that we don't have.
The fund will provide competitive grants to States to conduct and rigorously evaluate comprehensive responsible fatherhood programs, including those that incorporate healthy marriage components and demonstrations geared towards improving child outcomes by improving outcomes for custodial parents with serious barriers to self sufficiency as a mechanism for improving outcomes for children in these families. — the “National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse.”  Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin's site says, "I’m assuming that Obama changing his pro-abortion stance so more people have a crack at being a dad is not an option."  Wrong.

It is the welfare state, the government nannie state, the huge number of people who are standing in line for "Obama money", that are the problem, not the answer.

Obama must go.  He MUST GO!!!  He may be evil, he may be shrewd, he may be nuts, but either way, he must go or be challenged.  Somebody please challenge him and his takeover of this country in the courts.