Friday, June 25, 2010

Rashad Hussain declares Obama “Educator-in-Chief on Islam”

Expose Obama

June 25th, 2010
Powerline Blog

We have written a lot about Rashad Hussain, America’s special envoy to the Organization for the Islamic Conference (OIC), the Saudi-based body formed in 1969 to "protect" Jerusalem from the Israelis. Hussain is a piece of work. See the posts collected here. 

Notwithstanding his flaws, Hussain has made a great contribution to understanding Barack Obama. This week in a speech a the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, Hussain announced a new title for Obama. According to Hussain, Obama is America’s "Educator-in-Chief on Islam." He may be in over his head as the president of the United States, but he’s not bad at promoting Islam. Obama embodies the the melding of the left with Islamist forces at home and abroad. Stephen Schwartz reports: 

The occasion was another "post-Cairo" conference, following on the event that welcomed Islamist ideologue Tariq Ramadan to Washington in April. Hussain also declared that Obama is "Educator-in-Chief" on the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, which has produced diplomatic and political events around the capital for some years. Hussain affirmed with satisfaction that presidential iftar dinners, where the fast is broken after sundown, and which had formerly been limited to diplomats from Muslim countries, now welcomed American Muslims from throughout society.


The problem with Rashad Hussain's new title for Obama (Educator-in-Chief on Islam) is Americans voted for a President, not an apologist for islam.  Americans voted for someone who has the responsibility of protecting the United States, not someone who supports the ideology of Islam terrorists i.e. Hamas, along with contributing MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to advance the Hamas organization; and America did not vote for a man who would need to be reminded that Israel is America's friend and ally.

Bee Sting