By Jim O'Neill
“The Qur’an and Hadith state clearly that all Muslims from any part of the world form one Ummah [Islamic union]...not various geographical entities or nations.”—Dr. Israr Ahmad (Link)
“E Pluribus Unum…is the greatest engine of security, wealth, and dignity in human history. It does more for humankind than any nation in the world, ever.
Our Unum doesn’t need “fundamental change.” It needs a determined defense against those who would destroy it from within.”—Andrew C. McCarthy “The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America”
I’m not prone to writing book reviews—this is only my second one, but there’s a new book that I wish to draw attention to.
My first book review was about the vile “Rules for Radicals,” by Saul Alinsky.
This review is about the pro-American exposé “The Grand Jihad,” by Andrew McCarthy. I consider McCarthy’s book to be “must reading” for any patriotic American. (Link)
Where Alinsky’s book is muddy, nihilistic, poisonous, and ultimately nonsensical; McCarthy’s book is clear, insightful, informative, and profound (think Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism,” sans the footnotes, and with more bite). (Link)
“The Grand Jihad” not only details the long running war against the United States by Islamists, but also details the ongoing destruction of America by Far Left Alinskyites—a sort of “one stop shopping” book, in the sense of exposing both threats.
By the term “Islamist” McCarthy means those Muslims who believe that “...Islam is the complete, obligatory guide to human existence, governing all matters political, social, cultural, and religious, from cradle to grave….” In other words, Islamists include both terrorists, and many mainstream Muslims. (Link)
McCarthy is adept at showing how the Islamic terrorists, and outwardly peaceful Islamists, are in truth making common cause, or jihad, together—the terrorists by obvious methods, and the less violent Islamists, by more subversive means. He considers the terrorists, and their more “moderate” brethren, to be “birds of a feather.” (Link)
While radical terrorists, comprise a relatively small segment of Islam, the less obviously radical Islamists, represent millions of Muslims. (Link)
Of great importance to the strategies of the “moderate” Islamists, is the Islamic concept of “taqiyya.” Taqiyya allows any Muslim to lie to an infidel (anyone who is not a Muslim), if it furthers the spread of Islam. (Link)
As mentioned, McCarthy not only tackles Islamists in his book, he also targets the Far Left—in particular, the Chicago/Alinsky-style variety—Alinskyites—whose adherents include our Secretary of State, and President. (Link)
Nor are right-wing Republicans spared McCarthy’s scrutiny. For example, he notes that—“The second-term Bush…was an aggressive Islamaphile.” No doubt Republican RINO and Islamaphile, Grover Norquist, was of some help in Bush’s “conversion.” (Link)
The RINOs are, of course, a danger to the US, in and of themselves, (they are mostly made up of corrupt politicos, and deep-cover Progressives). (Link)
Even those of us who have a pretty good grasp of the threat posed to America by Islam, can benefit from reading McCarthy’s book. For example, I used to think “Dearbornistan,” Michigan, was the epicenter of the Islamist takeover of America—until I read McCarthy’s chapter “The Enclave of Minnesota.” Boy are we in trouble—nationwide (Link)
For those of you who may not yet be aware; America is in critical circumstances; from its collapsing economy, to its increasingly hamstrung military.
(Medals have been proposed for NOT confronting the enemy, and insane ROE [Rules of Engagement] send some of our troops out with unloaded weapons, and tell them to only patrol where the enemy is not. What’s next, medals for running away—“valorous disengagement from an indigenous protest?” Jesus wept) (Link) and (Link)
To expect our representatives and Joint Chiefs of Staff to honor their oaths to defend the Constitution, is apparently a laughable pipe-dream, in view of the large number of neutered, and politically-corrected putzes, running our military and various government agencies these days. (Link)
So “we the people” had best be as educated about our enemies, as is possible.
“The Grand Jihad” gives a clear picture of the ongoing Islamist and Far Left war against America—the clearest picture I’ve yet run across between two covers.
If, after reading McCarthy’s book, you still don’t get the picture, then you clearly suffer from a terminal case of head-up-buttitis. Nothing to be done, I’m afraid.
As for the rest of us, this book can serve as a guidebook, and a clarion call to action—now. (Seems that this article turned out to be less a review, than an endorsement and promotion).
Most of you are already aware of the mortal danger the United States is in. For those of you still snoozing—WAKE UP! Your country needs you.
In the words of Richard Allan Jenni, “...It shall be written that the precious gift of liberty was preserved on our watch.” Amen to that. (Link)
Laus Deo.
With thanks to CFP
The West, Islam and Sharia