Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Everything You Need to Know About the UN – in 2.5 Minutes


In the video above, the brilliant Hillel Neuer, director of UN watchdog UN Watch, slices and dices the Islamic-controlled United Nations Human Rights Council, in a speech in Vienna last week. This supposed protector of the oppressed has over the years been subjected to massive infiltration and corruption by a combination of various unsavoury Islamic States and their lobby organisation, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference.

Add a generous helping of non-Muslim third world brutes and dictators and you have what is supposed to be a internationally-respected agent of change that says nothing, as innocent people around the world are slaughtered, tortured and downtrodden by their governments and terrorists; while simultaneously churning out declaration after declaration about one country in particular – the Jewish State of Israel – and the rest of the civilised world in general.
The council also has a nice line in proposing sanctions and legislation against scrutinising or criticising its members, dressing this up as ‘racism’.

A previous UN Watch video (shown below) was actually ‘banned’ by the UNHRC as inadmissible. You can, however see this below. Enjoy, as Neuer once again tears them to pieces – although the satisfaction of watching him skillfully showing the UNHCR up for what it is, is diminished by the tragedy of the fact that nothing ever changes.

It is arguably the greatest moral inversion of our times – the foxes of Islamic fundamentalism and repressive, sociopathic and criminal kleptocracies in charge of the hen house of fundamental human rights and dignity – yet our politicians and their friends the the mainstream liberal media say and do nothing, continuing to accord it all the reverence due to such an august organisation – were it operating as it should.

As ever, the enablers and facilitators of such evil (the people that run your and our countries and report the news) are equally culpable – but, like the perpetrators, are never brought to book.

To find out more about UN Watch, please visit their site and consider making a donation.