Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mike Pence on the Gulf Oil Disaster: "The American People Deserve To Know Why The Administration Was Slow To Respond"

Mike Pence on the House floor

"There would be those in this country who would exploit this ongoing disaster to deny the American people more access to American oil"
Dittos Mike Pence...
Pence: "The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is an ongoing tragedy, and the American people deserve action to protect our Gulf and they deserve answers.

"The American people deserve to know what happened on April 20th, and Congress should investigate it thoroughly."The American people deserve to know why the administration was slow to respond, why necessary equipment was not immediately on hand in the area and why the president did not fully deploy cabinet-level federal officials until he spoke at the White House on April 28th.

"Lastly, the American people deserve answers for a pathway toward energy independence. There would be those in this country who would exploit this ongoing disaster to deny the American people more access to American oil that but the American people know better.

"The pathway toward energy independence is environmentally responsible expansion of domestic drilling for oil and natural gas. It's more wind and solar and nuclear and more conservation.

"Republicans are determined to get the American people the answers about what happened on April 20th, about the slow federal response and to give the American people answers and a pathway toward energy independence that uses ‘all of the above.


Note:  Priorities have never been a strong suit for this administration.  Iran threatens the United States; health care was more important to Obama then the economy and unemployment for hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work; mocking American citizens and Fox News for questioning polices and the devastating road the administration has been hell-bent on traveling; allowing the federal government to take over private industry and corporations, banks, etc. are all matters the government had no business interfering with, while an huge oil spill in the Gulf goes ignored by the administration for over 10 days!  I think Obama's song should be "There's No Business like Show Business" ....   Bee Sting