Note: In over 2,000 logged in news articles and commentaries from Conservative websites, a nagging question, asked by many American citizens is, "Is the US an ally of Israel?" Many have blamed the Obama administration for this trend of hugging the Arabs while kicking Israel in the teeth.
There are enough formerly classified documents and books written to fill a library (or two) that reveal disturbing information that like the European countries, America has not always been with "clean hands" concerning its treatment towards Israel.
However, within the past 16 months, since Obama took office, America's handling of Israel and our relationship with Israel has American citizens questioning its government's purpose and reasons for contributing aid to the Palestinians and Gaza, as these actions contradict America's support for an ally, Israel. It is a contradiction of loyalty to a friend and causes distrust between countries, as supplying and aiding the enemies of an ally is not something one does, because if you give an enemy a knife to kill your friend, you most certainly will become an accomplice to murder.
Obama receives the blame for this change in foreign policy due to the fact that unlike previous presidents, he does not hide his ambitions for the Arab countries and has been quoted often as saying he "stands with the Muslims". Of course, that is unacceptable to the majority of American citizens whom have defended, supported, and appreciate America's relationship with Israel, which explains in part the huge demonstrations and conferences being held throughout the Untied States by members of Tea Party's and the demonstrations are not just about "taxes"! Not just about unemployment and bankruptcies; not all about health care; or home bank foreclosures. No, it goes much deeper than one particular issue - the issues include not just matters that affect us personally, but also what affects our friend, Israel and all of America's allies.
Thus, the reason for spending many a sleepless night posting on "America Defends Israel" is actually just one small voice among many voices, letting others know that they are not alone in thinking this "change" promised by Obama is change that harms America. Israel needs no defense from me, as she has the wisdom of her leaders and government and a better title for this website would have been, "Americans support your right to exist, Israel", simply to acknowledge the fact that unlike her enemies, Americans have no intentions of harming the relationship between Israel and the United States. Perhaps a few years ago, it would not have been necessary to say this, as Americans took it for granted that Israel knew we loved her and all she contributes to the world. Israel has blessed our nation as we have blessed her and the feelings we have for each other are mutual.
However, it is no longer possible to take relationships for granted; not between nations, and not between our loved ones. Every wife needs to hear from time to time those three little words "I love you" from her husband and not just the words, but by one's actions is our loved cemented between a couple. That also goes for nations and if we're shooting our ally in the foot, arming its enemies, then no amount of "I love you" will suffice - it is simply a deceptive way of calming someone down, while working behind the scenes to hurt someone we profess to love, and actions speak louder than words.
Thus, the reason for spending many a sleepless night posting on "America Defends Israel" is actually just one small voice among many voices, letting others know that they are not alone in thinking this "change" promised by Obama is change that harms America. Israel needs no defense from me, as she has the wisdom of her leaders and government and a better title for this website would have been, "Americans support your right to exist, Israel", simply to acknowledge the fact that unlike her enemies, Americans have no intentions of harming the relationship between Israel and the United States. Perhaps a few years ago, it would not have been necessary to say this, as Americans took it for granted that Israel knew we loved her and all she contributes to the world. Israel has blessed our nation as we have blessed her and the feelings we have for each other are mutual.
However, it is no longer possible to take relationships for granted; not between nations, and not between our loved ones. Every wife needs to hear from time to time those three little words "I love you" from her husband and not just the words, but by one's actions is our loved cemented between a couple. That also goes for nations and if we're shooting our ally in the foot, arming its enemies, then no amount of "I love you" will suffice - it is simply a deceptive way of calming someone down, while working behind the scenes to hurt someone we profess to love, and actions speak louder than words.
Which brings me back to the reasons why Americans are printing banners, flying flags of Israel and the U.S., speaking up and demonstrating in the middle of NYC (two weeks ago in the pouring rain) to demonstrate our support for Israel. America's foreign policies have caused many a wise man to write open letters to president Obama, asking him to change course, steer the ship back to where we can be encouraged that our leaders understand the importance of being a "trusted" friend of Israel. So far, those letters and demonstrations, calls to Congressional members, banners and flag waving have fallen on deaf ears.
The deafness by our leaders is so prevalent that we now wonder if anything or anyone can change this administration's attention, so that they focus on the real enemies of the United States and stop handing knives to the enemies of our friends. If there is no solution, then we, as citizens of America, will lose all hope, for hope must come from the very leaders we elected to protect both America and America's ally, Israel.
War drums are beating, madmen are threatening the very existence of Israel, and a US president has blamed Israel for the actions of the enemy. This is insane and somehow, as a citizen of the United States, I have searched the world over to find an answer on how to get people to listen to our desire to see Israel remain safe and secure, with America's support - a support that would include military backup, if necessary, to prevent one madman in Iran from following through with his promise to wipe Israel off the map!
Today, I found an article describing the positive/negative reaction of America to Israel, in the years 1947-1948 just before Israel became a Jewish State and home to the Jewish people. In the historical research, it was noted that it took hundreds of thousands of American citizens to demonstrate, before the president and leaders in Washington listened to the people! Doesn't that remind you of exactly what is happening today? The press barely gave a notices to over ten thousand protesters in NYC two weeks ago, because protesting for the government, under Obama, to support Israel has become unpopular. Oh well, the next protest will need to be much larger and on the front lawn of the White House. And now, here is the brief description of the mid-40's and what it took for the government in Washington to hear the voices of America:
Historical and Investigative Research
Is the US an ally of Israel?
A chronological look at the evidence
A chronological look at the evidence
A throng of enraged American workers then took to the streets of New York, and forced the US government to return to an official position endorsing the creation of Israel. As the New York Times reported,
"...a crowd estimated at more than 100,000 persons jammed Madison Square Park and surrounding streets yesterday in a mass protest against the United States reversal of its position on partition of Palestine."[19e]
That seems like a very large crowd. But in fact it may have been larger. Further down in the same article, the New York Times wrote that,
"The sidewalks of Fifth Avenue were lined solidly by a crowd estimated by the police at 250,000. The streets surrounding the speakers' stand, on the east side of the park, were packed so tightly that many of the parade spectators could not crowd in. Loudspeakers carried the talks to all corners of the square."[19e]
In any case, this was the largest crowd ever seen in the streets of New York. And, although it happened in New York City, it was not merely a New York phenomenon, but an American protest, as "There were representatives of 100 cities and fourteen states in the line of the march."
The marchers -- among whom were throngs of veterans from the World War -- were passionate:
"Banners proclaimed "We Fought for Peace, Not Arab Appeasement." "Oil or Honor?" "Save the U.N. - Uphold Partition." The marchers chanted "A Jewish State in Forty-Eight," or called the cadence to the words, "Lift, Lift, Lift the Embargo."
War-maimed veterans, heads lifted proudly, earned applause as they passed. Many of the marchers were in uniform - the blue of the Navy, gray green of the Marines, khaki of the Army, and dark blue of veterans' groups.
...[they] listened to the denunciations of American policy on Palestine. The crowd jeered and booed references to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem."[19e]
That's the Grand Mufti Hajj Amin al Husseini, instigator of anti-Jewish riots in British Mandate Palestine, and later one of the great architects of Adolf Hitler's Final Solution against the European Jews.[19f] He was well known then, but seems all but forgotten now. That matters, because Hajj Amin was also the grandfather of Al Fatah, the organ that controls the PLO, and the mentor to Yasser Arafat. If ordinary Americans today understood the Nazi origins of the PLO, they would be just as opposed to current pro-PLO US foreign policy as their ancestors were in 1948 to the US's -- identical -- pro-Mufti policy.
To read the entire New York Times article reporting on the above-mentioned dramatic demonstration, and to see a photograph, visit:.......Historical Investigative Research.
Bee Sting
The bottom line from this article, is that our silence will allow our leaders to ignore their responsibility to support Israel and our allies. We cannot afford to be silent, for that gives our government the idea that we are in agreement with them, to throw Israel under the bus while supporting the ill-conceived agenda of Arab nations who have plotted the demise of Israel since 1948.