Thursday, May 13, 2010

Start Putting Words Together, Mr. President…

Looking at the stars .....

Start Putting Words Together, Mr. President…
By R.J. Godlewski
© May 12, 2010, All Rights Reserved.

Dear President Obama,

I am not an idiot. I do not believe in the tooth fairy, Big Foot, or in any conspiracy theory that suggests that the United States was somehow involved in terrorist attacks upon its own people.  I am also fair-minded. I do not leap to judgment upon a person’s race, religion, sex, education, or position within life. Before determining my friends and enemies, Mr. President, I await their personal actions and then plan my own life accordingly. I am creative, but rational. My personal library consists of books ranging from nuclear and particle physics to mixed-gas diving operations, from sedimentary environments to business, from naval engineering to colonial history and they are all worn from having been read extensively. Needless to say, I possess countless volumes on intelligence, guerrilla warfare, and Middle East studies to name but a few others.

Again, I am not a fool. I also believe in God because, unlike the vast majority of people upon this planet, I have been blessed with experiencing His divine presence on a personal level. I can no more extinguish my knowledge of His reality than you could abandon your thoughts of being an African-American male. Unlike what your Democratic Party predecessor implied; what is, is. A person might discover a new country and immigrate there for opportunity, but no one could ever discover a new omnipotent being once he had found the master of all that is, ever was, and ever shall be.
 Despite my brief glimpse of perfection, however, I realize that I am not. Only one human person in history was perfect and that was because she brought into our little world the grand master Himself. One cannot stare into the majesty of the Milky Way, for instance, and not be humbled by the seemingly insignificance of planet earth. What does make earth so ironically significant, in my view, is because it represents the only home that we know of and unlike your Global Warming comrades, we must truly take care of our vulnerable Eden.

It holds true with nations of birth, Mr. President. I look out from my beloved United States of America – the Constitutional Republic that my God bequeathed to me through my own birth – and it appears rather insignificant in view of the chaos and destruction offered by the rest of the planet. Nevertheless, as you know, Mr. Obama, appearances can be quite deceiving to the uninitiated. 

America is by no means an insignificant country. It represents the guiding light of liberty, freedom, and opportunity. No other nation on this planet accepts what is and offers the fruits of hard work, discipline, and resilience in return. 

If God did not image us equal, then our equality must come from our individuality. We are not therefore reflective of Man, but collective of Men. Like the stars occupying the vastness of space, some people shine brightly and burn out rapidly. Others are dull – the vast majority – and live long lives of sometimes unimaginable duration. That most stars collect within vast congregations does not diminish their singularity, for without an individual star that had ever existed, the infinite cosmos would simply not exist today.

America, at the present, represents the most spectacular and dynamic human “galaxy” ever known. The gravitational pull of personal liberty and free market enterprise have attracted material from neighboring galaxies and swelled our own mass significantly.  The inclusions of these individual “stars” have made us appear even more bright and spectacular when viewed from the outside human universe.

Unfortunately, Mr. President, the United States also contains many collapsed stars who seek to devour our elements and consume our majesty. They swirl through our midst like cannibalistic Pac Man icons eating away at our personal liberties, our relationship with our Creator, and the very fabric of our Republic. They are bloated with deceit and tyranny and they even inhabit your very administration. If you look closely, Mr. Obama, you will see that they come in two variable “giants”, each capable of extinguishing their lives within supernova-like explosions. The first threat to humanity is the Progressive Liberals who, like Type I supernovae, slowly accumulate material until they can no longer handle the physics of human nature and explode uncontrollably.

The second threat is the Islamic terrorists, best described as Type II supernovae for they are very unstable and unleash horrific explosions. Their lives burn out quickly and spectacularly. We cannot withstand the existence of either of these groups, Mr. President, but Progressive Liberals can be dealt with through the time and patience of the country they seek to destroy. Islamic terrorists, on the other hand, being unstable and violent, must be dealt with immediately.

The first course of action, President Obama, is for your administration to start placing words together. Words such as “Islamic”, “Terrorist”, “Radical”, and “War”.  It would represent a start. After all, it was Islamic radicals who invaded our embassy in 1979, bombed the Marine Barracks in 1983, brought down Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988, bombed our embassies in Africa and Saudi Arabia in 1996 and 1998, tried to sink the U.S.S. Cole in 2000, and toppled the World Trade Center in 2001 after having failed previously in 1993. By placing such complementary words together, you can see a distinct pattern developing. Maj. Hasan down at Fort Hood was a trained Islamist who killed his fellow soldiers because of his perverted religious beliefs. Christmas Day, 2009 nearly saw my own city devastated by another rich, Islamist brat. So, too, was the case in Times Square most recently.

The fact remains, that there are so many Islamist terrorists trying to disrupt civility and democracy that I no longer bother repeating their names. It is far simpler just to call out their religion: Islam. They are Muslims whether the date is 1979, 1983, 1988, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2009, or 2010. Even in that “horror of horrors” for your own Progressive Liberals, Iraq, more Muslims are now killed by other Muslims than from American soldiers who are doing an extraordinary job of keeping the peace for a population whose actions deserve little peace or democracy.

As a former community organizer, Mr. President, I kindly suggest that you begin organizing your words more effectively before we turn ourselves into a much larger version of the Middle East and Europe. Supernovae may relinquish their elements into the cosmos to build future stars, but I’d rather shine our light of liberty eternally outwards to support human life. 

I know that you can do so if you choose. You seem quite able to combine disparate words such as “Stupidly” and “Police”; “Cling” with “Guns” and “Bibles”; “Tea Parties” and “terrorists”. How about the simplicity of Islamic and Radical? Perhaps War and Terrorism would be easier for you to stomach? Oh, I know. Here’s the simplest combination of all: America and Victory.
Can your boys and girls even say “Freedom”, Mr. President?

R.J. Godlewski

R.J. Godlewski (GOD LESS KEY) is an independent counterterrorism consultant, the director of the private International Nuclear Emergency Response Team [INERT], and the author of several novels, commentaries, and professional articles. He is also the author and architect of the Web-based Independent Counterterrorist training program. He is currently working on his B.A. in Intelligence Studies at American Military University where his concentration includes Middle East terrorism and improvised explosive devices. He is a member of the National Military Intelligence Association, the Golden Key International Honour Society,  and is  a veteran of both the United States Navy and Navy Reserve. He can be reached at rjgodlewsk(at)