Monday, May 31, 2010

Red flag - how to cynicly abuse humanitarian causes

 Turkish protesters

Well, it's just the perfect plan.

First you have to call it a humanitarian act. You get ships, you put people on them and call them peace activists. You say to anyone who cares to listen that you don't have any weapons, but add that you will do anything needed in order to break the siege on Gaza. And by anything-you mean anything.

You ignore Reality. Reality is for the weak and unimaginative, and no one really cares about the truth. Never mind that no one is starving in Gaza, never mind that Gaza has a border with Egypt, where Israel is not in control. Why are you not pestering Egypt about starving Palestinians?

You put humanitarian aid on your ships, instead of shipping it directly to Gaza through Egypt. That way you don't merely help the people in Gaza, you also feel important and helpful and righteous.

You are notified that you will not be allowed to get inside Gaza, but it does not make you doubt you can get wherever you wish to go. Being peace activists doesn't mean you act quite-so-peacefully. Peacefulness is bad publicity.

You attack soldiers that board your ships (as of now, it is unsure if you had only cold weapons or also guns, but knives are obviously NOT considered to be humanitarian aid). You try to grab their weapons. You injure soldiers.

Then you go and scream for the world to see how the inhuman and inhumane Israelis have killed peace-loving-quiet-innocent-peace activists.

Who cares that you had no problem with the soldiers dying. Who cares that being peace activists means you care only for the lives of one side of the 's easy for you to ignore an israeli soldier sitting in captivity in Gaza for years now. who cares about him, anyway?

So, you've made a lot of noise, you've made Israel look like the bad guy, you got a few martyrs and you couldn't fail anyway. You won this battle.

If Israel would have let those ships through-we would have lost, since we cracked under the pressure of heroic freedom fighters, and the next helpful fleet would have carried the weapons that would kill our civilians.

If Israel would have stopped those ships without killing anyone (under the actual circumstances) Israeli soldiers would have died for no reason other than your egos and we would have lost again.

So you drove us into the corner, you won. Not only will Gaza get this unneeded supply, once more we are the bad people, you are the heroes, and the peace will die a little more.
Thanks for nothing.

Let me add I grieve the deaths of the people who died, and I am sorry for those wounded. But Israel was not the attacker, and when you prepare for violence, and apply it, knowing fully-well that you will be stopped in any way possible-you have killed your own friends in the name of your cause

Red Flag 

Weapons Found on the Flotilla Ship Mavi Marmara Used by Activists Against IDF Soldiers