Well, if he can call us tea baggers, we can call him that too, right? Nice dialogue, Mistuh President.
Tea bagging: the insertion of one man's genitals into another person's mouth. Used a practical joke or prank, when performed on someone who is asleep, or as a sexual act.The joke of today's Obama lie is that the tea parties came first, way before the Republicans. We came first. The Republicans came along at last -- not at once. What is he trying to do? Why does he divide at every turn? What is his objective to be petty, egotistical and small? Or he is manufacturing a crisis he can take advantage of?
He is such a ................pig. Seriously. I think back to how the left destroyed, mocked, lied about Bush during a long terrible war. Bush never called them what they really were: traitors, seditionists, aiding and abetting the enemy.
Has there ever been such a man in the White House? He insults, derides, contemptuously dismisses the American people. If only he were as scornful and tough on Iran and the jihad as he is with the American people and our allies.
President Obama: GOP Opposition to Stimulus 'Helped to Create the Tea-Baggers' Jake Tapper, ABC
Three days after he decried the lack of civility in American politics, President Obama is quoted in a new book about his presidency referring to the Tea Party movement using a derogatory term with sexual connotations.
In Jonathan Alter’s “The Promise: President Obama, Year One,” President Obama is quoted in an November 30, 2009, interview saying that the unanimous vote of House Republicans vote against the stimulus bills “set the tenor for the whole year ... That helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans.”
Tea Party activists loath the term “tea baggers,” which has emerged in liberal media outlets and elsewhere as a method of mocking the activists and their concerns.
On Saturday, the president delivered a commencement address at the University of Michigan where he said one way “to keep our democracy healthy is to maintain a basic level of civility in our public debate … But we can’t expect to solve our problems if all we do is tear each other down.”
The book also describes many of the president’s top advisers cautioning him against trying to tackle health care reform in the first year because it might be too much to take on at the same time as the recession.
“‘I begged the president not to do this,” White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel says.
“They’ll give you a pass on this one,” Vice President Biden told the president.