May 9, 2010
Actually Faiz Mohammad appears to be another Misunderstander of Islam. "Man arrested in Pakistan trying to board plane with batteries and electrical circuit in shoes," from the Telegraph, May 9:
Pakistani officers arrested a man at Karachi airport after batteries and an electrical circuit were found in his shoes as he tried to board a plane for the Middle East, an official said. The 30-year-old civil engineer allegedly told interrogators he came from Pakistan's northwestern province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where Taliban and Islamist militants have a presence, and had been scheduled to travel to Muscat by Thai Airways. Mohammad Munir, Airport Security Force spokesman, said the bearded man, whom he named as Faiz Mohammad, was arrested when a scanner sounded an alarm.
The suspect was not found in possession of explosives, but Munir described the circuit discovery as "worrying".
"He was on the way to board flight TG 507 for Muscat. After the machine gave the alarm, we checked him manually," said the spokesman.
"We have recovered four live batteries and a circuit, with a button to switch it on and off," Munir said....
Muslims seems to have a certain affinity for flights of fantasy and the sheer ludicrous. You know, like believing the Jews planned and carried out 9/11, Niel Armstrong converting to Islam after hearing an Azan on the Moon, and most preposterous of all, that Islam is a Religion of Peace! I am reminded of the Iraqi Baathist in a coffee shop desperately flicking through TV channels after hearing Saddam had been captured. When queried what he was doing he said "I'm looking for the truth! All the others must be lying!"
Judaization of Jewish cities is a site to behold...
"Visiting the city amounts to an acknowledgment of the Israeli occupation,..."
That's fine by us, Sheikh. What's next? A complaint that Cordoba is "occupied" by the Spanish?
Tell you what, Sheikh, call your best buddy, President Teleprompter, and have him lean on those evil "occupiers" of Jerusalem so that you can visit.
Otherwise, f*ck off.
And that's where I'm filing this story, in my 'Nonsense and Lies Dept' e-file, where I put the reports of those flights of Muslim malevolent imagination that most offend rational intelligence.
I could, of course, also file it under 'the haters of Zion'.
Further observation.
Both Taysir Al-Tamimi and 'recently-appointed Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb' are among the 138 Islamic 'scholars' who signed their names the 'A Common Word' da'wa letter (and veiled threat) that the Muslim world sent to a significant proportion of the world's chief Christian clergy in 2007.
Here is a bit more about them, just for the instruction of any Christians who may stumble in here who in their naivety, at the time, thought 'A Common Word' was a terribly hopeful sign.
First, Taysir Al-Tamimi:
"Mainstream Palestinian leaders claim the Temple Mount is Muslim in spite of overwhelming archaeological evidence documenting the first and second Jewish temples.
" In a WND exclusive interview last year, Taysir Tamimi, *chief Palestinian Justice and one of the most influential Muslim leaders in Israel* {my emphasis - dda}, argued [that] the Jewish Temples never existed, the Western Wall really was a tying post for Muhammad's horse, the Al Aqsa Mosque was built by angels, and Abraham, Moses and Jesus were prophets for Islam.” – Aaron Klein, 1 June 2008, in World Net Daily.
Tamimi also insulted Pope Benedict by spewing out a grossly anti-Semitic diatribe in his presence during the Pope’s visit to Israel in 2008.
As for Al-Tayeb, here's something from *his* dossier:
'H.E. Prof. Dr. Shaykh Ahmad Muhammad Al-Tayeb
President of Al-Azhar University, Former Grand Mufti of Egypt'
"the rector of Al Azhar, Sheikh Ahmad al Tayyeb, who on April 4, 2002 said: “The solution to Israeli terror can be found in suicide attacks that will sow terror in the hearts of the enemies of Islam.” –
as reported by Magdi Allam, Corriere della Sera: 22.1.2008, in his article – 'La Fatwa dell’odio anti-Israele che condiziona anche i. ‘moderati’.
They also said that the Israeli government has dug tunnels under Al As qua, to undermine the dome of the rock,and to cause it to cause it to collapse.
The WAQF has no regard for science, or traditions, because science has proved that there was a Jewish presence in Jerusalem, long before the Mohammedans were there.
The Islamic authorities refuse to acknowledge scientific data.
For more on the link between the Muslim world-view and paranoia (as we in the advanced world understand it) see here:
people need to hear the truth
Jerusalem is not HOLY to MUSLIMS it never has been-they purposely face their asses to it 5x a day- and if not for bleeding heart lefty JEWS and a UN run by jewhaters the correct solution would be easy-
I aksed him, "what race is psychology again?"
*"Asians" is my new fave term for mohammedans -- it comes from talking about them with my Brit friends!
And undoubtedly the same as was in the polio vaccine, and other vaccines the "Asians" rejected.
I think that it is closer to say...
Allah has injected a certain ignorance/evil into the brains/souls of moslems, to speed up the erosion of their humanity.
I it scientifically possible for human beings to actually "evolve" or, more accurately, "devolve" into a different species, eventually, if they've been inculcated fully with a particulary nasty doctrine that demands a certain way of thinking and dealing with the world?
I'm not making a joke, I'm actually curious if there's ever been any thought given to the possibility? As a non-scientific person I don't know if that idea is just ridiculous or not. Can psychological (and physical to some degree) factors, over long periods of time, go so far as to affect groups to the point where they're actually diffferent?
It seems to me that if you were to have a group of humans isolated on an island for thousands of years that they might evolve slightly differently than other humans elsewhere, due to psychological, environmental and physical factors?
Anyone want to shoot me down or boost me up? LOL
I wonder what Darwin would think of your question.
-Homo sapiens sapiens/Homo sapiens idaltu (extinct)
-Homo sapiens mohammedanus (eventually coming to a jihad attack near you!)
'Heritage, Schmeritage'
Unhappily, that line about 'the Americanisation of Kansas' left an opening for him, which he has seized upon with alacrity; he would have had no such opening, had the line, instead, referred to 'the Irishing of Dublin', or 'the Welshing of Cardiff' or 'the Tibetanisation of Lhasa' or 'the Greeking of Athens' or the 'Indification of Varanasi', all of which are far more properly analogous - though he, of course, will absolutely refuse to accept the validity of these analogies - to the phrase, 'the judaization of Jerusalem'.
I wonder whether 'mac' truly believes, in his heart of hearts, that *only* Arabs, or perhaps, *only* Arab *Muslims*, have a natural and supernatural right to sovereignty and self-determination in all the broad region that stretches from Mesopotamia to the Pillars of Hercules, across the entire 'Middle East' and North Africa?
I wonder whether he thinks that throughout that entire sweep of territory, ONLY Arabs (or perhaps, more properly, Arab Muslims and Arabised Muslims who have embraced that perverse and even monstrous form of Arab identity which is codified within, preserved, and relentlessly imposed by Islam) have a permanent and inalienable right to dominate, in perpetuity, without the smallest attempt at either mercy or justice, the many non-Arab nations also there present - Jews, Samaritans, Assyrians, Maronites, Kurds, Berbers, Nubians and last - but certainly not least - some millions of Egypt's surviving pre-Islamic indigenes, the Copts? Does 'mac' think it of no consequence that all of these other, non-Arab peoples can demonstrate deep ancestral ties to large portions of the region I have just delineated, since their ancestors inhabited those places for millennia before the invading, colonising Arab Muslim imperialists (followed by those equally foreign imperialists, the Turks, after the conversion of the same to Islam) swept over them in an orgy of mass murder, cultural vandalism, cultural erasure, rape, pillage and enslavement?
Jerusalem is no more historically and culturally 'Arab', in terms of its deep human cultural and religious history, than Alexandria or Damascus or Nineveh.