By Ted BelmanWhen I too quickly sent out my article Enemies Now, Shoshana Bryen of JINSA wrote to me to strongly suggest that I retract it. Later she gave me all the reasons why.
I asked her whether there is an arms embargo and she sent me this email
- I did a three part JINSA Report on the misunderstanding of QME that exists - you can find if on our website At the time (Jan) there had been no deals concluded by the Obama administration with Israel and even deals signed under Bush were undelivered. But the C-130J is now being delivered. Let’s see what happens. (Its not exactly an embargo if you delay paperwork, etc. and just don’t deliver the goods. The Apache helicopter was denied by Obama after the Gaza war. Now they say it isn’t denied it just isn’t agreed to - meanwhile, no Apache.)
Fortunately, Rep. Mark Kirk understood that the X-Band radar had to have spades turned before Bush left office. They arrived in Israel before Obama’s inauguration.
If the Obama Administration continues the arms sales practices of its predecessor, how does Israel compete?
QME, Part II: U.S. Arms Sales to the Arabs, and Help (?) for IsraelJINSA Report # 957
Increased U.S. arms sales to Arab states come at the same time Obama Administration policy shifted from support for Israel’s right of self-defense to support for a new “peace process.”
Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge, Part III: The Palestinians
JINSA Report # 958
JINSA Report # 958
Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge must exist at the level closest to the country’s citizens as well as being balanced with countries far away.
"The Apache helicopter was denied by Obama after the Gaza war. Now they say it isn’t denied it just isn’t agreed to - meanwhile, no Apache."
If anyone wishes to ever question me again about my accusing Obama for "double-talk", I am going to present this report. And if anyone asks me why I am a little outraged over Obama's support for Gaza, I will hand this report to them.
Now, for the MILLION DOLLAR question. Why on earth is Israel agreeing to any discussions with Abbas, when the very people claiming to be "mediators" have tied Israel's hands and feet? Inquiring minds would like to know exactly why the Israeli's are discouraged over the upcoming celebration of "Jerusalem Day" - could it be that the rumors are true and Israel has made a private agreement to split Jerusalem? Heaven forbid, for if that day arrives, there shall be no peace in the Middle East - nothing but grief. I have ignored all articles I've read these past few days stating PM Netanyahu has made agreements with Obama to discuss /split Jerusalem - Jerusalem is not part of the deal, or is it? Bee Sting