Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Book: Obama dressed down Pentagon brass

Support our troops

May 5th, 2010
 Obama was not happy about the public requests for troops

President Barack Obama reprimanded top Pentagon officials last year for pressing publicly for a troop increase in Afghanistan. 

That’s according to "The Promise," a book on Obama’s first year in office by Newsweek writer Jonathan Alter. It goes on sale May 19. 

The book says Obama laid into Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen in an Oval Office meeting last October. 

Obama was irked by the leak of a confidential report by Gen. Stanley McChrystal calling for an expanded military presence in Afghanistan, and by McChrystal saying he could not support a strategy relying on special forces and unmanned drone attacks. 

Obama was conducting a lengthy review of operations in Afghanistan at the time. He largely sided with the generals and agreed to deploy 30,000 more troops.

Note:  Obama is irked by "confidential" leaks and yet, reveals to the world what was once "Top Secret" reports on the nuclear capabilities of the United States on the first day of the UN meeting in New York - same day the madman from Iran defies the world community, mocks and threatens the United States and Israel, while defending Iran's on-going nuclear capabilities.  Obama's continued, twisted ideas of what is and is not "confidential" is extremely twisted, to the point of placing the United States in danger of future attacks by terrorists and rogue nations, such as, Iran.  His lack of respect towards top Pentagon officials is one more example that he listens to the wrong advisers, while bowing to foreign desert kings.   Bee Sting