Friday, April 2, 2010

'Jihad Jamie' Brought Back From Ireland to Face Terror Charges

Updated April 02, 2010

.. Fox News Two law enforcement officials say federal prosecutors are bringing an American woman back from Ireland to face terror charges."

WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutors filed terrorism charges Friday against a pregnant American woman -- the second woman charged in the so-called Jihad Jane case. The two are accused of plotting online to attend a terror training camp.

Jamie Paulin-Ramirez flew from Ireland Friday to Philadelphia, where she was arrested by agents with the joint terrorism task force there. Her 6-year-old son flew with her and was placed in the custody of child protective service workers.

A U.S. official told The Associated Press that Paulin-Ramirez is pregnant. The official was not authorized to discuss that detail and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Last month, authorities in Ireland detained Paulin-Ramirez, originally from Colorado, and six others as they investigated an alleged plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist whose drawing had offended many Muslims.

Those seven suspects in Ireland were linked to Colleen LaRose, a 46-year-old woman who had traveled to Europe but was arrested last fall when she returned to the United States.

LIVESHOTS: Levine on Arrest of '"Jihad Jamie"

The new indictment charges that LaRose and Paulin-Ramirez, 31, separately traveled to Europe to support violent jihad, or Muslim holy war. The court papers also say that once LaRose was in Europe, she invited Paulin-Ramirez to join her to attend a "training camp."

Paulin-Ramirez, prosecutors charge, accepted the invitation and asked to bring her 6-year-old son with her. She and the boy traveled to Europe last September and on the day of her arrival, she married a co-conspirator whom she knew only from online discussions, authorities said.

Last August, the Paulin-Ramirez and LaRose allegedly had a computer conversation in which LaRose said "when our brothers defend our faith (and) their homes, they are terrorists ... fine, then I am a terrorist and proud to be this."

According to the indictment, Paulin-Ramirez replied, "that's right... if that's how they call it then so be it I am what I am."

When the initial charges were unsealed last month against LaRose, it marked one of only a handful of times the U.S. has filed terrorism charges against a woman.

Prosecutors alleged that LaRose called herself "Jihad Jane" in Internet conversations, but she denied that when questioned by the FBI. She has pleaded not guilty in the case.

LaRose apparently spent long hours online in recent years while caring for her boyfriend's elderly father in a small eastern Pennsylvania town. The congressman who represents the district said she had cooperated with authorities after her arrest last fall, which went unannounced until the seven suspects in Ireland were detained in March.

Paulin-Ramirez's mother, Christine Mott, said she had heard that her daughter returned to the U.S. Friday.

"She's in some serious, serious trouble," Mott said tearfully in a phone call from her home in Leadville, Colo.

Mott said she didn't know if her daughter was pregnant. She said she was concerned about her grandson.

"This has been twice that that little boy has been with his mother when she was arrested, in two different countries," Mott said. "I need somebody to help me bring that little boy back here to some sanity. That little boy didn't ask for any of this."

Mott said she was also worried about her daughter.

"My daughter's not a monster," Mott said. "These people came into my home through the Internet and they seduced a very lonely, lonely person. If that can happen to me, it can happen to anybody."

Note: If Jihad Jane had a brain she would be dangerous! Dumb as a rock and quite harmful to society! It is well know that during her time on You Tube, she had quite a Muslim following and spoke the language of hate - the language of an Islamic terrorist. Guess this is one time when the FBI did not have to perform a "sting"!

The one I sympathize with is the mother of Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, the terrorist. Loved ones become the victims of their adult children who commit crimes. The criminals have no idea what pain their parents and relatives go through; especially when the crime of an adult child is first revealed publicly (and privately, to the family). The victim is the grandmother; the victim is the six year old grandson; but the Jihad Jane Group are NOT victims, they are terrorists! The grandmother will need time before being able to accept the fact that her daughter is a Muslim terrorist. Bee Sting