Saturday, April 3, 2010

Obama is determined to impose the Saudi Plan

Note: I posted Ted Belman's article earlier today from Pajama's Media website. However, since Ted is the Director of Israpundit, he posted it again for his readers on Israpundit. I will recap the article, but felt the comments on Israpundit would be helpful for everyone, just to see what others think of the "Saudi Plan" which Ted Belman so clearly demonstrated is the "suicide for the Jewish state." Bee Sting


Pajamas Media has just published my latest article.

Obama Seeks to Impose a Solution on Israel — Which Is Not a Change in Policy

For forty years, the U.S. State Department has sought to force Israel to accept a plan that would mean national suicide for the Jewish state.

After his inauguration, President Obama made it his business to end the Mideast conflict within two years. To achieve that end he embraced the “Saudi peace plan” and put enormous pressure on Israel to accept it.

The hallmark of this plan was “ending the occupation that began in 1967? and the division of Jerusalem.

Can we conclude from this that Obama is anti-Semitic, just hostile to Israel, or intent on changing U.S./Israel relations? The answer is not immediately self-evident.

Let’s go back to Israel’s founding, when these relations began.

Richard Holbrooke, in a fascinating article titled “Washington’s Battle Over Israel’s Birth,” explains the tug of war President Truman and Clark Clifford were involved in at that time: one side favored recognition, while Secretary of State George C. Marshall and his entourage at the State Department favored a UN trusteeship instead of partition.

Secretary of Defense James Forrestal explained to Clifford what motivated his group:

    There are thirty million Arabs on one side and about 600,000 Jews on the other. Why don’t you face up to the realities?

According to Holbrooke, what motivated Truman and Clifford was moral conviction. Acting on their convictions was made more problematic by “the substantial anti-Zionist faction among leading Jews, [including] the publishers of both the Post and the New York Times.”

Nevertheless, the U.S., under Truman, was the first country to recognize Israel. Holbrooke concluded:

    [To] this day, many think that Marshall and Lovett were right on the merits and that domestic politics was the real reason for Truman’s decision. Israel, they argue, has been nothing but trouble for the United States.

But Holbrooke begged to differ:

    Truman’s decision, although opposed by almost the entire foreign policy establishment, was the right one — and despite complicated consequences that continue to this day, it is a decision all Americans should recognize and admire.

In the intervening years, the State Department has done its best to prevent Israel’s expansion. Presidents, to one degree or another, have lent their support. The U.S. maintained an arms embargo on Israel which commenced before the War of Independence in 1948 and ended after the Six Day War in 1967. During that period, Eisenhower forced Israel to retreat from the Sinai in 1956.

After Israel’s stunning victory in 1967, the State Department collaborated with the Arabs to prevent Israel’s expansion. United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 started with the recital “Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war” before going on to envisage secure borders which envisioned the retention of some land. Thus, full withdrawal was not intended. The Arabs were livid and refused to negotiate. As a result, the U.S. proposed the Rogers Plan in 1969, which adopted the Arab position with these words:




  1. For 20 years Obama sat in Reverend Wright’s Black Reformed Theology Church, which is not only one of the most racist black churches in America, but has doctrines that SUPPORTED AND DEFENDED HAMAS against the Jewish State of Israel. Louis Farrakhan, Leader Of The Nation of Islam, who was awarded by Reverend Wright with an Honorary Award, had published many anti-Jewish articles. Louis Farrakhan HATES Israel, and I have no doubt that Obama does too. Obama hates America and Israel and will do as much damage as he can against both countries, because this is his true belief system.

    If someone doesn’t stop him, Obama is going to kill all 7 billion people on this planet if he can. And now, we are getting closer to teh Iranian nuclear showdown. Let me remind you we are in World War IV so I approve of anyone willing to protect and defend both America and Israel by whatever means it takes to ensure the safety of the masses. In my personal opinion, Obama is a threat to Internaional security.

    Comment by Michael Sunstar — April 3, 2010 @ 9:54 am


    Does this all make even more sense? Yes, it DOES!

    Comment by Michael Sunstar — April 3, 2010 @ 11:48 am

  3. Can we conclude from this that Obama is anti-Semitic, just hostile to Israel, or intent on changing U.S./Israel relations? The answer is not immediately self-evident.

    The answer is immediately self-evident.

    Comment by ayn reagan — April 3, 2010 @ 1:32 pm

  4. Ayn
    I had trouble with that too. My original intention was to comment later in the article that supporting the Saudi Plan could be sustained on the basis that it is in America’s interest to do so. For some that makes them pro American and not antisemetic. All administrations have followed that policy.

    So the question is whether Obama is doing so because he is pro-American and not antisemitic. Of course he could be both or he could be both anti-American and antisemetic.

    Of course some say, to be pro-American necessitates you being pro-Israel. That’s where I am.

    Comment by Ted Belman — April 3, 2010 @ 1:51 pm

  5. We need their oil. If terrorists are successful in blowing up the Saudi Arabian oil refineries, the necessity to have relations with Arabia are just gone. OPEC is the hostage force and it will only get worse.

    Comment by Michael Sunstar — April 3, 2010 @ 2:15 pm

  6. There would be no America without the Bible or Israel - period.

    Comment by Michael Sunstar — April 3, 2010 @ 2:15 pm

  7. When Israel was attacked in 1973 by Egypt and Syria, Kissinger did his best to put Israel at a disadvantage. Thanks to General Haig, and later President Nixon, Israel turned defeat into victory. But Kissinger was there to limit the victory. This was not good enough for the Saudis, who imposed an oil embargo on the West.

    “Thanks to General Haig, and later President Nixon, Israel turned defeat into victory”.

    Where did you learn your history from? Popular Myths and Historical Revisionism?

    Bushes Letter was only meant for internal Israeli consumption as a SOP for those like Livni who needed a political ladder to climb down from. It allowed some ministers to vote yes to disengagement thereby saving Sharon a lot of political face and capital. Therefore Obama and Hilary Rotten Clinton are correct; it was never meant to be binding on America otherwise it would have been formalized.

    Obama was and is an agent of the Saudis who got him into Harvard and paid for his education. He has been directly quoted to his Pali friends that he can’t openly side with them until he gets to the WH. He advised Patience till then.

    You can’t sit with a Rev Wright, for 20 years and then claim you are not antisemitic.

    A Saudi stooge and an antisemite is a no brainer when you are looking for motivation.

    Is Barack Obama related to Malcolm X?

    Comment by yamit82 — April 3, 2010 @ 3:06 pm

  8. Barack Obama - Still Holds Muslim Beliefs

    Comment by yamit82 — April 3, 2010 @ 3:10 pm

  9. Obama Speaks Arabic

    Comment by yamit82 — April 3, 2010 @ 3:34 pm

  10. We need their oil. If terrorists are successful in blowing up the Saudi Arabian oil refineries, the necessity to have relations with Arabia are just gone. OPEC is the hostage force and it will only get worse.

    The thing is that we really DON’T need their oil, we can easily become energy independent but are being hindered by the environmental lobby.

    Comment by Laura — April 3, 2010 @ 7:53 pm

  11. I do not know for certain who is pulling the strings attatched to the US and the rest of the world, but I do know that it is a power so strong that the citizens of the US, Europe, Russia, China and the rest have no voice in their governments. I do believe that it is the oil industry and that every political head of important governments is on their payrolls. Obama has parlayed the big money with his ideology making him very dangerous to the rest of the world. Israel is the pot hole in his road to world dominance.

    Comment by Ed D — April 3, 2010 @ 9:20 pm

  12. Israel is the pot hole in his road to world dominance.

    If he is seeking world domination he has a funny way of going about it? Making America a 2nd rate third world country?

    Comment by yamit82 — April 3, 2010 @ 10:26 pm

  13. I do not know for certain who is pulling the strings attatched to the US and the rest of the world, but I do know that it is a power so strong that the citizens of the US, Europe, Russia, China and the rest have no voice in their governments.

    Comment by yamit82 — April 3, 2010 @ 10:42 pm

  14. Can we conclude from this that Obama is anti-Semitic, just hostile to Israel, or intent on changing U.S./Israel relations? The answer is not immediately self-evident.

    The answer is immediately self-evident.

    The answer that Obama is anti-Semitic is not immediately self-evident unless you think that how Obama has treated Israel was done in a vacuum.

    As I have watched Obama break every campaign promise he ever made, I have also watched how he has treated countries other than Israel.

    Honduras is not a Jewish country, yet Obama and Clinton have treated that country every bit as badly as Israel. Unfortunately for us, the MSM did want us to know what was going on, and for the most part we did not. I was fortunate enough to find a few blogs written by Hondurans that gave the background on how the State Department, and by extension, the Obama administration has tried to force Honduras to go against it’s own constitution. They tried to compel the Hondurans to reinstate Manuel Zelaya, even though he was serving his last legally allowed term in office. Zelaya was also accused of corruption with aid monies, mostly from the U.S. The State Department ignored these accusations and instead used threats, revoked hundreds of visas of government officials opposed to them and used that very same American aid as a threat and club to try and force their point of view.

    Worse, Honduras president Porfirio Lobo, just like PM Netanyahu, have found that the Obama administration is not interested in compromise and are not interested in the long term effects of their disastrous policies that they are determinably pushing down the throats of their allies. Leaders of both countries have tried to pacify Obama, only to find that all compromises and concessions being demanded from one side are not reciprocated by the other side. Sound familiar?

    While we are all familiar with how Obama, Clinton and Biden have reacted to Jews building in their capitol, it was most telling to me how these same people reacted to a true Russian insult. PM Vladimir Putin suckered Clinton into a press conference that was supposed to be a routine meet-and-greet. Instead Putin turned it into a opportunity to criticize Clinton for the drop in U.S. trade during the global economic crisis, Russia’s difficulties in joining the World Trade Organization and U.S. sanctions that have affected Russian companies, an apparent reference to penalties on firms doing business with Iran, Syria and North Korea.

    We also did not hear about how insulting King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia was to Obama when Obama asked for a few trust building gestures that would help Obama convince Israel that gestures were worth the price because they would get concessions in return.

    Allowing these countries to treat America in such a shabby manner without nary a peep of protest speaks volumes about the direction Obama’s foreign policy is going. As one wag said, if Israel renamed itself The Islamic Republic of Iran, then America would leave it alone.

    From where I sit, labeling Obama an anti-Semite trivializes the Israeli/American relations into a regional dispute with a ally, a tempest in a teapot, if you will.

    What is relevant is how he feels about Democracies in general. Starting with America, every legislation he has pushed, every foreign policy he has endorsed has made America a weaker country. It should come as no surprise then, that these same disastrous polities are being forced on our allies.

    Honduras President Porfirio Lobo and PM Netanyahu would do well to get together and compare notes on how to deal with this terrible threat to their countries. Not the muslims, not Russia, not China, but the mighty United States of America.

    Comment by SarahSue — April 4, 2010 @ 2:24 am

  15. The answer that Obama is anti-Semitic is not immediately self-evident unless you think that how Obama has treated Israel was done in a vacuum.

    Obama is allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons which the Iranians have declared will be used to annihilate six million Jews.

    He is simultaneously insisting that the Jews not preempt the attack.

    How exactly is it possible to be more anti-Semitic than that?

    As a Marxist, he is hostile to all American allies.

    But he has targeted one country - and only one country - for extinction.

    The Jewish country.


    Not likely.

    Cool name though, SarahSue.

    Comment by ayn reagan — April 4, 2010 @ 2:59 am

  16. SarahSue, pretty much what you say is true. Your certainly a lot smarter than I. Having said that this president impostor is first a fraud and a phony. He is one arrogant SOB who prior to election was known as Barry Obama, joining a black Christian church for political purpose and avoided using his middle name. He is a Muslim at heart and his treatment of the Arab nations is speaks for itself. He continues to destroy our relationship with other democracies as you so state. By the way no bid deal but after being elected he had no problem using his middle name Hussein and forget attending any Christian church,(not that he has to) no need to now.

    I believe he is an anti-Semite in addition to being an arrogant SOB, if you don’t think so, just watch him strut when the cameras are on him.
    He is lost without the teleprompter. Besides he is so in love with himself he manages to be on TV everyday. He is by no mean presidential and no commander-in-chief. He is a wimp.

    His staff is full of knuckle heads and left wingers who make fools of themselves abroad.

    His recent treatment of PM Netanyahu recently is a reflection of his arrogance and immaturity. He is an asshole.

    I am sure you noticed I have no respect for the SOB.

    By the way SarahSue welcome back. We all missed you.

    Comment by rongrand — April 4, 2010 @ 3:04 am

  17. Ayn as usual you said quite a lot in few words.

    We know the SOB is an anti-Semite don’t we Ayn.

    His actions speak for themselves.

    Comment by rongrand — April 4, 2010 @ 3:42 am