Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bridge for sale: Hamas says it's working to curb rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza

Jihad Watch

Eliminating the competition and simultaneously helping Obama make his case that the Palestinian leadership is "moderate" -- and should be given a state that bisects Israel.

"Hamas 'working to curb Gaza rocket attacks,'" from the BBC, April 2 (thanks to Carl):

Leaders of the Hamas militant movement which controls the Gaza Strip have said they are working to curb rocket attacks against Israel by smaller factions.

Spokesman Ayman Taha said the Hamas government was trying to maintain calm in Gaza for "the national interest".

He spoke hours after Israeli planes carried out bombing raids on what it said were weapons factories in Gaza.

Hamas PM Ismail Haniya also urged the international community to intervene to avoid an escalation in violence.

"We are contacting the other Palestinian factions in order to reach an internal consensus as to the measures we may take in order to protect our people and strengthen our unity," Mr Haniya said.

Four of the strikes took place near the town of Khan Younis, where two Israeli soldiers and two Palestinian fighters were killed in clashes last week. Three children were reportedly injured in the Israeli strikes....

Of course, the BBC says nothing about how Hamas launches attacks from civilian areas in order to provoke retaliatory fire that it can use for propaganda purposes.

4 Comments on Jihad Watch (as stimulating as Robert's news release!)

Let's see...a woman anywhere in Gaza without a headscarf will be arrested within minutes; meanwhile, they can't figure out who has the rockets and mortars?

Spot on, Cornelius, but as we know Palestinians will find only what they are told to by their leaders, whilst leaving no stone unturned in their search for what they don't need to find because they know know where it is, until the price is right.

"Four of the strikes took place near the town of Khan Younis, where two Israeli soldiers and two Palestinian fighters were killed in clashes last week. Three children were reportedly injured in the Israeli strikes...."

As we know through the BBC, there is no such thing as a Palestinian terrorist, only "fighters" defending innocent civilians they place between themselves and the Israelis. Tragic also to note that 3 children were "reportedly" injured, for what that's worth coming from either the BBC or its Palestinian buddies, and as ever no mention of the Israeli children killed, injured, and frightened into shelters as a result of the terrorism that triggered the cause for the Israeli raids in the first place.

The world is going mad, and those we rely on for crumbs of truth are behind it.

This is so much Obama staging. Hamas has been attacking Israel with rockets for over eight years and suddenly they are being obliging? Sounds to me they were promised something by our US administration in exchange for this charade. Just another way of trying to back Israel into a corner as Arab master terrorists are suddenly depicted as paragons of reasonableness.

Yeah right, That will happen when islam
becomes a 'peaceful ideology'
and muslims love dogs.

Just another lie from the spinmasters of jihad.

There are no rockets of bombs in gazastan!
It is just the Jews shooting themselves and
blaming the porr, innocent so called palestinians.