Fresh on the heels of the remarkable Wilders election victory in The Netherlands comes his next triumph. After being banned by the dhimmi Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, Wilders fought back and won.
Geert Wilders will be in London tomorrow at the invitation of Lord Pearson to screen FITNA in the House of Lords.
The EDL will be out in support of Wilders, and I will be livestreaming the action off the EDL live feed. Atlas will have up to the minute news all day on the support for Wilders march. Watch this space :)
London 1pm GMT
There will be a counter demonstration against the support for Geert Wilders parade. It's quite a day for the motherland: there is a stop the war march in the city, loads of jihadis and their leftist tools. Gordon Brown's war tribunal, loads of jihadis and Geert.
March in support of Geert Wilders -- meet at Tate Britain before 13:00. Be there in advance, as police may restrict entry to the group for anyone turning up after this time.
The dhimmis are afraid -- but freedom lovers will be out en masse. Are you in the UK? GO! Nothing is scarier than living under sharia. Fight now.
FEARS were growing last night that far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders could spark furious clashes when he arrives in Britain tomorrow.
The Freedom Party leader will screen his anti-Islamic film Fitna in the House of Lords.
Mr Wilders, who wants the Koran and the burkha banned in the Netherlands, was invited by UK Independence Party peer Lord Rannoch and Baroness Cox, a former Tory peer.
The visit coincides with Gordon Brown’s appearance at the Iraq inquiry, prompting concerns from the Metropolitan police.
Muslim groups are expected to protest at Mr Wilders’ arrival, while the English Defence League plans to welcome him. And the Stop the War Coalition is planning a demo as Mr Brown faces the inquiry.
The Met said: “The English Defence League and the Stop the War Coalition are both planning marches.”